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Which Lavender Cream?

I am trying to decide between the Art of Shaving Lavender Cream and eShave Lavender cream. I think I am going to pick up the eShave after shave cream because I have read it is a good performer. Any thoughts gents?
The Castle Forbes is the very best Lavender I have had the good fortune to use. When that was exhausted I turned to the AOS. I am not sure whom makes it, I know its made back home in England. I have taken to using it in my road kit as a treat when its a little cooler. Summertime has shown me how good the Proraso with its cooling effect.
Thank you for the replies. I am leaning towards the AOS because of availability with some other things I would like to order, to not pay shipping across 3 or 4 vendors. I am only hesitant because i do not like their unscented cream, i got crazy razor burn when I used it. So why buy another one from them right? I have heard good things about this one though.
Thank you for the replies. I am leaning towards the AOS because of availability with some other things I would like to order, to not pay shipping across 3 or 4 vendors. I am only hesitant because i do not like their unscented cream, i got crazy razor burn when I used it. So why buy another one from them right? I have heard good things about this one though.
If you get razor burn with the unscented,dont get the lavander one which is basically the same formulation than the unscented plus lavander scent.
Castle Forbes has a great lavander cream.Its more expensive than AoS,but more concentrated too,so it can last 5 months of every day use.The scent is superb, possibly my second fav one of all the lavander creams/soaps.
I dont like TOBS lavander: for me its pretty far from having a lavander scent,but thats just my humble opinion.
I hope that some of these days Claus Porto would surprise us re launching "Lavanda" which I tried long time ago and Im still thinking its the best lavander scent on a cream I have ever smelled.
There's evidence suggesting that AoS and eShave are the same formulation: see this post and this one. Even if they're not the same, they're similar enough that you couldn't go wrong with either.

That said, I'd go with the people recommending Castle Forbes. They are quite generous with the use of essential oils and you need very little to generate a lot of lather. The upfront price is higher, but the per shave cost is likely much lower, so it's actually a value cream.

My $0.02.
The Castle Forbes is the very best Lavender I have had the good fortune to use. When that was exhausted I turned to the AOS. I am not sure whom makes it, I know its made back home in England. I have taken to using it in my road kit as a treat when its a little cooler. Summertime has shown me how good the Proraso with its cooling effect.

I know that you're a new poster, but I don't know how experienced you are as a wetshaver. If you had some burn with AoS cream and you're new to wetshaving, I would wait until I had my technique down before writing it off. When I got razor burn, it was usually a result of my technique--too much pressure, bad angle--etc. rather than a problem with my gear. Don't give up on a high quality, readily available cream when you're just starting off.

And look into that Castle Forbes!
+ 1 on the TOBS


I'm still new to wetshaving, but I've been using TOBS lavender exclusively while I hone my technique. I love the scent.

I'm getting my wife into wetshaving as well. I got some AoS Rose for her to use. She asked me to show her how to make lather this morning, so I got her cream out and whipped up a small batch to demonstrate. It smelled so good I couldn't just waste it, so I used it on myself. At this stage in my wetshaving experience, aside from scent and a very subtle difference in texture, both shaved wonderfully.

Moral of the story: all creams suggested here are great. Grab one you like, be it AoS for availability or another for whatever reason, keep working on your technique, and enjoy.:thumbup1:
I am a big fan of essential oil scented creams so it comes down to AOS or Castle Forbes. Currently I am using CF cream and AOS lavender soap - which smells good but nowhere near as potent as their cream.

I've tried T&H and TOBS - both good babershoppy scents but not the straight lavender that I really want.
+1 on Castle Forbes.

You can't go wrong with the Castle!

Castle Forbes lavender really IS all everything people say it is. You can find a smaller travel size if you look around, but IMO it is worth buying the big tub. I have not seen much, if any, of CF Lavender SC for sale on the BST so that should tell you something about it.

I asked about lavender SC here a few months ago and have tried Castle Forbes, DR Harris, and Gentlemans Quarter. Castle Forbes was the best of the 3. GQ has a nice smell but Castle Forbes is just so easy to use everytime and gives great results.

I have some TOBS rose and it is very nice too. I imagine their lavender would give good results too. I think it boils down to what version of the scent of lavender you prefer. Essential oil based or other. On my old thread someone brought up the great point that there are lots of cultivars of lavender and they all smell different.

There are also SC which have lavender in the mix. My first shave cream was Geo. F Trumper GFT and it is still one of my favorites. It is more citrus based with lavender in it. This is the description from the English Shaving Company website

This is the newest fragrance in the Geo F Trumper shaving creams range. Mandarin and lemon, bittersweet tarragon, lavender & woody cypress and cedar combined produce the distinctive, distinguished GFT fragrance which is at last added to the unique shaving cream recipe to create a fabulous new experience for wet shavers.
The Gentlemen's Quarter uses tallow in their shaving cream -- possibly the only tallow based cream you'll find -- and their lavender shaving cream is outstanding. Highly recommended.

and Cella has tallow!:thumbup1: But not in lavender.

Agree with all others on the Castle Forbes although I am working through AOS lavender soap and cream at the moment.


My elbows leak
Staff member
AOS Lavender shave cream performs excellently, but I think they should just call it AOS shave cream. There isn't much of a lavender scent if that is what you are looking for.
It's actually a little reminiscent of the Kiehls shave cream for the brush, in any case, closer to Kiehls smell than to any other lavender cream.
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