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Which is more aggressive OC or straight bar razor?

I came back to wet shaving about 1 year ago. I was under the impression that the angle of the blade determined how aggressive it would be. I use mostly Merkur razors. It seems to me the angle of a Merkur straight bar razor is more aggressive than their OC razors. On their OC razors the blade just rest flat on the comb. Yet the only time I ever get nicks is when I use their OC razors.
So I guess my question is, is the OC more aggressive than a straight bar razor? I always thought it had nothing to do with it but now I'm having second thoughts on it.
I pondered this too.
I have be a DE user for just over a year and for 12 months I used a EJ89 and no matter how much I altered blade angle, even with a feather blade, it just never quite got all my stubble.
Now the last 3 weeks I've been using the muhle r41 grande, which is an OC, and I must say with derby, personna , Gillette yellow and feather it's has given the closest shaves and in only 2 passes as opposed to the 3 I had to with the EJ.
The difference I have felt between the closed and OC is that I can Actually FEEL the blade on my face.
If you have a thick or corse beard, I would highly recommend an OC.
Good luck
straight razors aernt aggressive at all if honed and maintained propely...heavier grind straight razors work better in mowing down a coarse or thick beard..any other lighter beard..a hollow ground type would do just fine IMO...
I pondered this too.
I have be a DE user for just over a year and for 12 months I used a EJ89 and no matter how much I altered blade angle, even with a feather blade, it just never quite got all my stubble.
Now the last 3 weeks I've been using the muhle r41 grande, which is an OC, and I must say with derby, personna , Gillette yellow and feather it's has given the closest shaves and in only 2 passes as opposed to the 3 I had to with the EJ.
The difference I have felt between the closed and OC is that I can Actually FEEL the blade on my face.
If you have a thick or corse beard, I would highly recommend an OC.
Good luck

Agreed! I love the Muhle R41 and highly recommend it to anyone.
Blade angle, blade gap, blade exposure...
All 3 work together to determine the "aggressiveness" of a particular razor.
The 2009 R41 was an OC, but it was less aggressive than even the DE89.

The adjustable razors work by changing the blade gap. Angle and exposure are generally unchanged.
Thanks a lot everyone. That is some good information. So weather or not a razor is OC or straight bar does not in itself affect how aggressive it is. It is mostly the gap.
I don't know why I get more nicks with the OC Merkur than any other razor I own including the Cobra Classic. Maybe because I know it's a mild razor I just get careless.
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