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Which are you more addicted to: shaving or B&B?

Which are you more addicted to?

  • Shaving

  • B&B

  • Neither

  • Both

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I realized I've been spending an unhealthy amount of time here on B&B recently. I've been drawn more to the computer than my shaving gear. I even missed my usual daily shave today.

I wanted to post a not-so-serious poll to see if there are any other "victims" who share my fate. :001_smile

So what's your addiction right now?
I have to shave daily (and have fortunately found a way to make it pleasurable). Perusing B&B is entirely optional, but somehow I find myself being drawn here on a daily basis. Help!
I shave because I have to...I read B&B because I have to...the difference is I don't have to read B&B in the shower!!! :w00t:
Both. While I'd come here if I had a beard that I had no intention of shaving I will say that it would not be as fun nor would I be able to relate to the others here as easily. Shaving is the common bond between us all. The rest is B&B.
I realized I've been spending an unhealthy amount of time here on B&B recently. I've been drawn more to the computer than my shaving gear. I even missed my usual daily shave today.

I wanted to post a not-so-serious poll to see if there are any other "victims" who share my fate. :001_smile

So what's your addiction right now?

I said both because I was attracted here by the desire to actually enjoy shaving. Discussed here are new members who are making the discovery that this can be fun; experiences are shared about shaving equipment that might be useful or enjoyable to me; I have a chance to buy some things I might want to try; I also have a chance to help someone get started.
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