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Where's the best place to buy samplers?

I'm in a real pinch for a sample pack of blades...Gillette yellow, Bic chrome platinum, Personna Lab, Kai, etc.
Anyone know of any place I can get some/all of these ASAP?
I'm trying to make good on a trade deal. It's been almost 2 weeks & my package hasn't arrived yet (no tracking).
West Coast Shaving and Maggard Razors are both good places. Maggard has a couple of really good cream samples as well.
B&B Vendor Gary

Peer of the Tallow



Astra Platinum DE Blades 5 pack $1.00
Derby DE Blades 5 pack $1.00
Gillette Silver Blue DE Blades 5 pack $2.00
I bought mine off the bay. I wanted specific items in my sampler, namely a Feather and an Astra. I had to get a Shark in the deal and that was acceptable. I also had to take a Derby (useless) but for $4 for the 7 blades, it sure beat the $15.00 for a bunch of blades I have no desire to try at this time.
My sampler was from westcoastshaving.com. Fast and a really nice selection. After multiple orders, never a problem. One of my mainstays now.
I'm in a real pinch for a sample pack of blades...Gillette yellow, Bic chrome platinum, Personna Lab, Kai, etc.
Anyone know of any place I can get some/all of these ASAP?
I'm trying to make good on a trade deal. It's been almost 2 weeks & my package hasn't arrived yet (no tracking).

I know this doesn't help you but I like to create my own sampler packs. I purchase five or ten packs of blades from Bestshave, they have the cheapest prices on single packs of blades. However (as you may have just found out) packages take anywhere from one to six weeks to ship to you from Turkey. I actually need to do this again as I PIF out sample packs on occasion and am out of packs of blades other than the ones I use regularly. Bestshave does not sell most Gillettes (even though they sell Astra SS and SP which are manufactured in the same plant), Kai or Personna blades, however.
If you're just trying to make good on a trade deal, maybe ask the other person if they'd accept a comparably-priced electronic gift code to their preferred merchant? That way, they'd get what they want, you keep your honour, and it's waaaay less stress for all parties.

Just a thought...
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