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Where to start on this sampler pack?

Hey everyone! I'm still fairly new at DE shaving and just received a sampler pack, as listed below. I'm using a Merkur 34C, started with a Merkur blade that came with the razor and then picked up some Wilkis from Wally World. I don't have super sensitive skin and am looking forward to some Feathers to arrive any day.

In the meantime, with that in mind, I'd love to take your recommendations on how to dig into the following:

- Derby Extra (5)
- 7am Platinum (5)
- SHARP (10)
- DORCO Platinum ST-301 (20)
- Bic Chrome Platinum (5)
- LORD Platinum (5)
- Shark Super Chrome (10)
- Astra SP (5)

I'm open to any plan of attack. Who knows, perhaps I'll just have my wife randomly select one of them. So, let the suggestions roll!



Needs milk and a bidet!
I'd do Astra and use those till the Feathers show up :biggrin1:

I think no mater which blade you choose you should stick with it until the pack is gone.
If you have gotten around a month of shaves in already with one particular blade then dive in to any of them. Otherwise, I'd suggest getting 1-2 months of shaves with the same blade to get your technique down before trying different ones.
Start by throwing the Derby and Lord in the bin :wink:

Seriously, my faves were AstraSP and Gillette 7:00 Yellow.
I'd do Astra and use those till the Feathers show up :biggrin1:

I think no mater which blade you choose you should stick with it until the pack is gone.

Thanks for the advice! I've seen a lot of positive talk about the Astras and I'm looking forward to the Feathers showing up.
Start by throwing the Derby and Lord in the bin :wink:

Seriously, my faves were AstraSP and Gillette 7:00 Yellow.

Another fave for the AstraSP!

What is it about the Derby and Lord that you didn't like? I'll probably at least give them all a whirl as I want to at least be able to speak from personal experience when either encouraging or discouraging usage.
Another vote for the Astras, and also for shaving through the entire pack before moving on, no matter which blade you choose. Keeping variables to a minimum will help you concentrate on technique. :thumbup1:
Derby was a bloodbath.
Never tried Lord, but heard the same about them and Merkur.

Now I'm intrigued at what lurks behind that green label. I really enjoyed the Merkur. That being said, she was my first. That was the blade that came with the razor and perhaps was simply the glory of switching from a Schick multi-blade cartridge.
Start with the Astra SPs. Five blades at 3-4 shaves each... that should get you well past two weeks of good shaves. In the mean time, trade some of the blades in your sampler in Toothpick's The Great Blade Exchange. Take any five you have, and trade for five more Astra SPs. That should get you at least two more weeks of good shave. By that time you will have plenty of time to order 100 Astra SPs through Amazon.com for $10 or less. When those arrive, you will be all set for a year of good shaves. :thumbup:
The Astra's are the only ones in that list that I think you will like. The Dorco and 7am blades in particular are known for being butchers.
I always recommend a new DE shaver get a 100 count carton of Astra blades (they are around $9 delivered through amazon).

After they get half of the carton used (2-3 months) they should know how to shave by then and can start looking at different blades.

I have seen way too many new shavers grab a large "sampler package" and get awful shave after awful shave from each and every brand, blaming their problems on the razor blades and never leaning how to shave.

Pick one blade.
Prep your beard properly
Map your beard (so you know which way WTG, XTG, ATG is)
Stretch your skin while shaving
Use short rapid strokes and keep a consistent blade angle.

If you do all of the above you should be able to shave with any blade stuffed into any razor and get a perfect shave time after time.
I always recommend a new DE shaver get a 100 count carton of Astra blades (they are around $9 delivered through amazon).

After they get half of the carton used (2-3 months) they should know how to shave by then and can start looking at different blades.

I have seen way too many new shavers grab a large "sampler package" and get awful shave after awful shave from each and every brand, blaming their problems on the razor blades and never leaning how to shave.

Pick one blade.
Prep your beard properly
Map your beard (so you know which way WTG, XTG, ATG is)
Stretch your skin while shaving
Use short rapid strokes and keep a consistent blade angle.

If you do all of the above you should be able to shave with any blade stuffed into any razor and get a perfect shave time after time.

More great advice, thanks everyone!

I will say that I noticed a huge difference between the Wilkis and the Astra. Some of that was due to simply taking a little more time to just enjoy the shave. While I'm not sure exactly the right way to describe this, I did notice that the Astra seemed to shave even closer. As a result I found that I have some more to learn about my technique. The Astra seemed to expose the need to really site down and take the time to map my beard as turtle mentioned.

As Nomad1600 mentioned, I'm going to also check out Toothpick's The Great Blade Exchange.
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