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Where to get Dubl Duck Goldedge and Filarmonica 14 Doble Temple restored?

Rediscovered a Dubl Duck Goldedge and a near mint Filarmonica 14 Doble Temple that had been sitting in my closet for the last 4 years. I'd love to get them restored and make them daily shavers. The Filarmonica is in great shape and really just needs a clean-up and a hone. The Duck on the other hand needs a little more TLC, likely a full teardown, polish, and hone.

I've seen recommendations for Glen at Gem Star Customs, are there any other honemeisters/restorers that you would recommend? How much would it likely set me back to give these beauties a facelift?

The filly is beyond help unfortunately. It has micro rust, invisible to the human eye but my dog can smell it even in pictures. Please send my way and I'll lose it in my razor drawer for you!

cant help answer the question but good luck, they'll be beauty queens again!
It depends on HOW clean you want em...I cleanup ALL razors by hand..guys like Max use wheels n pastes on em which speed up the process alot but tend to lose some etching in the process...handsanding you can save more of the etching but the "mint condition" look might not all be there
If it was me, I'd send the duck to mycarver for restoration and the fili to doc226 for honing. There a tons of great guys out there, but Mark and Alfredo would be my preference.

P.S. that fili is awesome!
If it was me, I'd send the duck to mycarver for restoration and the fili to doc226 for honing. There a tons of great guys out there, but Mark and Alfredo would be my preference.

P.S. that fili is awesome!

I'll clean and hone that Fili for ya! Just pay shipping. Surprised Rick didn't offer.

That Duck is gonna probably require some Maas and you may lose any wash on the blade.

In any case, I think it's great you are bringing them back. Much better than letting them die
Sent a PM to mycarver about the Duck. Fortunately, there's barely any wash on the blade to lose, so I guess I don't have to worry about that! thatsilverguy, I can't thank you enough for your generous offer. PM me your address and I'll send it out!

So excited to shave with these!
Do it yourself!!!!

Read the DIY resto link in my sig... It's pretty easy to do tbh. We can help along the way, too
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