Tonight I had my second full shave with just the straight. I shaved a few times - four? - starting in August and into the Fall, using my grandfather's straight razor. This was after years with the DE. I didn't yet have a strop, so my efforts were fitful; just toes in the water, shaving my cheeks, backing off the neck.
Then, as part of Movember, I decided to commit to the Straight, along with the 'stache. I don't shave every day, so tonight's shave was the fifth this month, and the second ever where I shaved my whole entire face with the straight: no second pass or touch ups with the DE.
Judging from what I've read of other people's shave journals, my experience seems to be tracking along the normal route. I get tugging, I am convinced it's because the blade's gone dull or I've rounded the edge with poor stropping technique, but then I'll hit a better angle and things just glide along. Until they don't. Tonight I got some redness, and the alum block gave me a pretty good tickling, but I inflict fewer weepers than with the DE and no nicks, and any irritation seems to be gone by morning. I hear from Krodor, who has been a helpful guide through the learning process, honing the razor for me - twice! - that it'll be 20 or 30 shaves before things start to click, so I'm trying to sit with that and enjoy the ride. From my experience so far, I'm convinced it's possible to get a more irritation free, comfortable shave from the straight than from anything else. Sometimes the learning curve seems like it'll wear out my patience before I get there, though. One thing's for sure: it's interesting.
Then, as part of Movember, I decided to commit to the Straight, along with the 'stache. I don't shave every day, so tonight's shave was the fifth this month, and the second ever where I shaved my whole entire face with the straight: no second pass or touch ups with the DE.
Judging from what I've read of other people's shave journals, my experience seems to be tracking along the normal route. I get tugging, I am convinced it's because the blade's gone dull or I've rounded the edge with poor stropping technique, but then I'll hit a better angle and things just glide along. Until they don't. Tonight I got some redness, and the alum block gave me a pretty good tickling, but I inflict fewer weepers than with the DE and no nicks, and any irritation seems to be gone by morning. I hear from Krodor, who has been a helpful guide through the learning process, honing the razor for me - twice! - that it'll be 20 or 30 shaves before things start to click, so I'm trying to sit with that and enjoy the ride. From my experience so far, I'm convinced it's possible to get a more irritation free, comfortable shave from the straight than from anything else. Sometimes the learning curve seems like it'll wear out my patience before I get there, though. One thing's for sure: it's interesting.