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Where Does the Pils Fit in?

I am considering a Pils, and would be interested in knowing where it fits in in the Pantheon of razorness...specifically in comparison to the two razors I feel work for me, vz: The Black Beauty set on on and the DE89/R89, and the ones that didnt work, viz: the R41, the Gillette Ball End (thats what I call them, ya know the ones with the ball end) and the Fat Boy

Im considering a Gold Pils as my birfday treat and before I drop half the cost of a Webley on on, Id love to hear some impressions and info as above.
I've had a 101NE stainless for a while now. to me it is mild and has a shallow angle. Not quite as mild and shallow as the Feather AS-D1.

It is a fantastic piece of work as far as quality, fit and finish goes. I'd put it in the top 5 in that respect.

It looks like the Ikon guy secretly makes all of the stainless steel razors available.

Pils has been around for a while. The Pils razor design is the original from which others are inspired.
Pils razors are actually made in Germany.


I've been using a Pils 101NE in my rotation for a few years and for me it is a great every day razor.
For me, the quality of the shave is a step above the DE89. I find it to be just right for my face, not
too mild or aggressive. The construction and finish of the razor is superb.

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The best craftsmanship i have ever seen on any razor! It is in the medium aggressive range; very top heavy;
It is very expensive and if you can find a used one that may be the way to go, but if you have the money, then go for it. Good luck.
i enjoy mine every once in a while, but enjoy my others more.
I too have a Pils 101NE "Love it" although I may add I when't through a bit of a learning curve at first.
Should you buy !!!, may I suggest you try a few different DE Blades that suit you.

Charles U.k
My Pils rust :cursing:

The Pils is a fine product, very well made. Rust can occur on stainless steel, mostly from some iron in the water if left inside the razor for a while. One way to prevent rusting is to loosen the razor a couple of twists on the handle, not enough to have the top piece come off, and rinse well. Then let dry with the razor on its side still loosened a bit. Voila!
Pils has been around for a while. The Pils razor design is the original from which others are inspired.
Pils razors are actually made in Germany.


I've been using a Pils 101NE in my rotation for a few years and for me it is a great every day razor.
For me, the quality of the shave is a step above the DE89. I find it to be just right for my face, not
too mild or aggressive. The construction and finish of the razor is superb.


I remember back on one of the shave sites before the PILS came out Greg talking about being really busy having to fill a large order for a German company and apologizing about the delay on the other projects that he had previously shared. I also seem to remember something about 1,000 units.
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The Pils is a fine product, very well made. Rust can occur on stainless steel, mostly from some iron in the water if left inside the razor for a while. One way to prevent rusting is to loosen the razor a couple of twists on the handle, not enough to have the top piece come off, and rinse well. Then let dry with the razor on its side still loosened a bit. Voila!
Great advice i would not have thought of that
I remember back on one of the shave sites before the PILS came out Greg talking about being really busy having to fill a large order for a German company and apologizing about the delay on the other projects that he had previously shared. I also seem to remember something about 1,000 units.

Don't know about that. But I do know someone who has actually been to the Pils production facility in Germany. I was told that it is small facility with only a few employees but he did see the CNC machines milling razors there.
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CNC machines are extremely expensive. It makes sense that a small start-up would out-source as much of their machine-work as possible on the first couple of production runs. If your marketing and margins hold up the way you projected and your P&L's are printed in black ink, you can get the backing to buy the hardware to do your own machining and reduce your cost per unit, bring your QC in-house, and improve margins. Your banker would say it makes sense. This is the normal development process for a company like this. So, while Pils may be doing their own machining now, that doesn't have to have always been true. In fact, it probably wasn't.
At one time, Pils quality and design put them in their own market segment. That's no longer true and I would even argue that they have been far too stagnant in terms of product R&D and have been passed by. Ikon, Feather, Tradere, Weber, Joris/Plisson, Cobra, etc are all high-end razor products that have appeared since Pils first appeared and it would appear that Pils still doesn't realize they've been passed. Or, they may not have the resources to try and keep up. Their design is clearly not as good as the newer competition and the market doesn't care much about how you used to be the best. Its still a very fine razor, but clearly no longer the best, and I have to wonder what their numbers are now. Normally, when you have a good reputation but lack the cash resources to keep up with competition, someone with more cash and marketing resources buys you. Don't know that's what's going on with Pils, but I can't imagine another reason for them to stand pat while they are being left behind. Maybe we'll be seeing a fresh, next-gen Pils soon.
I have to agree with Alatron, it looks like a small iKon razor, small in the handle, how much do these fine razors run?
I have the 101 NE, and I really like it. Similar to an earlier post, it took me a while to learn to use this razor properly - probably due to a combination of the weighty head and the lack of blade bend. I have experimented with a few different blades and found that Astras & Personna Meds work best for me. I've had no issue with rusting, and haven't experienced one bit of buyer's remorse.
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