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Where do you buy your Persols?

I know there are quite a few gents on B&B that appreciate good quality, well-designed sunglasses. I tried on a pair of Persol 3024s at Sunglass Hut this summer, and really liked them. The problem is, I went back recently, and they do not have the 58mm pair I tried on. I asked the sales associate, and she said not only do they not have them in stock, she is not able to order them, as she has no control of what is stocked in the store.

While I found this hard to believe, I thanked her for her time and left. While I was in the store, I tried on the 55mm version, and even with her adjusting the ear pieces weren't long enough.

I checked Persol's website, and it doesn't appear the 3024 is even made in 58mm. I'm almost certain those are the exact frame I tried on, and they fit perfectly. Now I'm on the hunt for a pair.

Where do you gents by your Persols? I would prefer a brick and mortar store, as I would like to try them on again before purchasing. I looked all over Persol's website, but couldn't find any contact information for them.

I used the "find a store" function on Persol's website, but it didn't turn up anything in my area, even though I know Sunglass Hut carries them.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
B&M stores that carry Persols in Aus are few and far between. I got my 714's from an ebay store with a good rep. I'm sorry, I can't remember the name, and it was too far back in my purchase history to find, but they were based in Israel, if that is any help.

On a side note, last week a customer left something behind in the store where I work. I was told that we have a "lost property" box somewhere, and I should take it and put it into there. When I finally found the box it contained a pair of 649's, sporting about half an inch of dust, but otherwise in great condition. I asked the boss if I could have them, he squinted his eyes, asked me what brand they were. When I said Persol he replied "never heard of them, sure, knock yourself out". Schweeet.
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Online is the way to go if you want to save $. They are rarely on sale in stores and when they are i have found the styles to be undesirable.

I picked up polarised 714s on groupon for nearly half the retail price. If you're not in a hurry you can really score.
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I would also recommend trying them on in a store and buying online.

Any recommendations for reliable websites?

I've been debating on http://www.otticanet.com/, but am leery of buying from someone other than an authorized retailer. Also, I spoke to the girl at Sunglasses Hut, and she said they no longer have the color combination I want. I was hoping Saks, Nordstrom, or Von Maur would have them, but I couldn't find a single pair of Persols in any of those stores.
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