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Where can I buy SE blades for a Gem Razor?

What is a good source for single edge razor blades? I believe that the single edge blades from a hardware store will not work. Or am I wrong? How much do the blades normally cost as well?
Lots of places carry them - usually folks hit the local Rite Aid for Treets, or, some folks have luck finding Stainless GEM branded blades locally at Walgreens.
You may even find PAL Blues at a store near you. Family Dollar carried these for a bit I believe.

Blades from a hardware store are not usually recommended for shaving.

Amazon sells Single Edge blades (said to be the same as the Medical supply stores), as does a vendor many use here called shoeboxshaveshop.

Locally you will pay more, but can buy in smaller quantities. On amazon, some folks have used these. Which are said to be the same as those sold by Ted Pella, a medical supply company - popular blades around here.


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What is a good source for single edge razor blades? I believe that the single edge blades from a hardware store will not work. Or am I wrong? How much do the blades normally cost as well?

You're right, don't use the hardware store paint scraper blades. Your local drugstore will likely have some in the shaving section. Then there's bulk from Ted Pella, or EMS .. they sell medical blades. Amazon has some also.
The Personna SE blades at Walgreens are great. I'm currently using them in my Gem micromatic, and I'm very happy.
If you have a Walgreens around, try these first. They're available at my local store although they're locked up and you have to get somebody to get them for you.:rolleyes1 Anyway, they work very well.

I also bought the pack of 100 that norton linked to on Amazon, but haven't even opened it yet. You probably won't want to buy in bulk until you've determined that you like SE shaving.
I bought a 25-pack of those Amazon blades. Maybe I got a bum batch, but my blades immediately rust on one side only. Yesterday I loaded a brand new blade in my newly acquired 1912 (excellent plating condition, cleaned, rinsed, ready to go). I removed the blade after my shave to dry it off, and it had already begun rusting on only the one side. I'll try Walgreens next time.
I bought a 25-pack of those Amazon blades. Maybe I got a bum batch, but my blades immediately rust on one side only. Yesterday I loaded a brand new blade in my newly acquired 1912 (excellent plating condition, cleaned, rinsed, ready to go). I removed the blade after my shave to dry it off, and it had already begun rusting on only the one side. I'll try Walgreens next time.

I got a few of the Amazon blades in a trade, same results. They shave good enough, but rust up. Some have compared them to the Ted Pella blades, they are most definitely not the same. Different edge grind and everything. I'll stick to the Pellas for now, or Walgreen Gem blades when needed.
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