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when was the last time you shave with a disposable razor ?

When was the last time you shave with a disposable razor ?

My was the last time I was in the psychiatric hospital, they forced me to shave with a used disposable twin blade Gillette , I say "I dont shave with this" , they say "what do you use a shell" all of them laughing . That was four years ago .
It has been ages since I used one. I was tidying up and found a multi-blade disposable in a basket of odds and ends. I'm not sure how it got in there. I was taken by how incredibly lightweight it is.

Nothing like respectful hospital staff, eh? Forcing you to re-use a disposable in a hospital setting would not meet with the approval of the accreditation body. Sort of like reusing a disposable needle.
I shaved with a Bic single-edge disposable razor about two weeks ago.

I like them.

I can't stand disposables with more than one blade. They all stink.
I've been wet-shaving for 2.5 years now, so its been that long.

I picked up a 5-pack of Bic single-blade disposables (with metal guards) several months ago, but I have yet to try one. I'll probably take them with me next time I go traveling.

Just like you, I can't seem to get used to how lightweight they feel. With DE razors, I prefer a long, heavy handle, and the plastic throw-aways don't even come close to feeling like an aluminum Tech, which is the lightest razor I currently own.

I think, that even if we were to go back to using a disposable, multi-blade razor, we'd be getting better results with it that we did before. That's due to the increased knowledge about pre-shave prep, grain-layout, and so forth.
I traveled to Florida in December for a four day trip. My wife and I tend to pack light and took only what we could carry on to the plane. I was unable to bring my usual travel set-up, a ball-end tech. For the three mornings that I was there, I used a Fusion. The good thing about doing this on occasion is that it reminds me how much better DE shaving is to cartridges.
I keep a few around for when I travel and don't care to bring all my gear.
But I haven't used them in probably 2 years.
so there they sit....
Two and a half years ago in the hospital after surgery. It was with a no name can of goo. It was a great incentive to get well and get home to a real shave.

Happy shaving,

Almost a year ago when I switched to de shaving. I will never ever go back to the Gillette Good News disposables ever again !!
Can't remember the particulars, other than it was on a trip to New England in winter and I had forgotten my Atra Plus razor and cartridges. Maybe 10 years ago. I do remember how painful it was, and I haven't picked up a disposable, single blade razor again.
I use straight razor only , that experience was a nightmare bound to use a used disposable Gillette good news , I remember like yesterday they have a jar full of scissors, clippers, plastic hair brush and used disposable good news Gillette razors , the jar was full of alcohol .
The last time I shaved with a disposable was the day before my 1st DE shave. I immediately chunked the last few disposables that were sitting in the bathroom drawer into the trash and haven't looked back. That was last February. Do I miss them? Uhh...NO!!:biggrin1:
Just a couple weeks ago. I like Bics, single and double bladed disposables. For a few years, I used these really inexpensive Indian-made Laser twin blade disposables on a regular basis, that were an incredible deal at my local 99 Cent Store around the block. A fifteen pack for a buck! They worked great, but since they no longer stock them and started stocking Personna DE blades, I've been moving more into SE and DE razors.

However, I'm not into the typical regimen of face masturbation like so many folks here are. If anything, moving to more traditional SE/DE razors has simplified and streamlined my already spartan shaving routine.
My technique was at a point where, it needed improvement. And my thinking was, if I was going to see any improvement, I had to go back to a CR system. I did, and my neck has never looked better, (thanks to that hiatus.)

I went back to the DE, maybe around June or July. I should note: I'm shaving every other day.
1 month ago. I used some Gillette Bleues or something. I don't know I was in Spain, I can't be blamed for my blasphemy. As you might have guessed, the shaves sucked worse than my night's sleep in my 95 degree hostel room in Madrid. Don Quijote would have been ashamed.

Must have been months ago. I used to use no-name twin blade disposables (can't even remember them) in the shower. I always wondered why my jaw hurt so much, I thought it was acne. Haha. I have none of that now.
i just shaved for a week straight in mid-august with a bic metal. i actually really liked it... it had me considering if this wasn't a cheap way to go with wet-shaving.... nahhh
My last disposable cartridge for shaving was 3 years ago. I'll use a disposable once in a great while to clean-up the back of my neck.
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