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When to strop question

Maybe a waste for a thread, but I could not seem to find the answer. Normally a razor is stropped just before a shave. But if you own more razors, would it be ok to take time and strop all of your razors in a row? Just to have the next razor already good to go for the day after? So the next day you don't strop, but use a razor which has been stropped the day before. Or on the 3rd day use the razor you have stropped two days before? Does it matter?
Hi Chico.

I would say it is allright to do that, maybe a couple of strokes before starting the new straight. BUT I´m not expert, started straight shaving the fourth this month.

Lucky bastard :biggrin1: all those straights...

The best

Sure, why not. When I hone a razor for someone I tell them not to strop for the first time. That can be 3 to 5 days later.
I do not have many, Richardt ;) Only three, of which one still needs to be honed. Yesterday I was thinking about it when I was doing the stropping before shave. It went well and was thinking: why not take the other one and do that as well already.
Now I think of it, Alfredo sent me two razors..which were already stropped and on travel for about 2 weeks before getting my hands on them. This may answer my own question......
I usually strop the night before when I know I will be shaving in the morning, saves a minute but that is a minute.
I strop when I'm done shaving as a part of making sure the edge is completely dry to help avoid pitting.
I don't strop again before shaving.
I normally strop the night before (just to save time in the morning). I also do about 10X on a small travel strop after shaving (believing it helps dry the edge before putting it away for next time in rotation).


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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I did that in the past. I would strop 3-5 straights one after the other and now, I use the straight, strop it and it goes back into the rotation. I will shave with it 28 days later (as I have 28 straights). So, yes you can do that, no issues. I prefer stropping them as I go now.
I always strop right before I shave, gives me something to do while letting the lather soak my face for a minute or two
But then, I also shower/shave in the evening and work from home, so I'm never so rushed that I can't spare a minute or two, or 10 even lol
I use stropping as a meditation kinda thing before i shave.. It makes me concentrate and gets my mind right before putting steel to skin...


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I usually strop the night before when I know I will be shaving in the morning, saves a minute but that is a minute.

Having shaved pie-eyed on more than one occasion, I make sure I always strop immediately prior to shaving.

If I can't strop, I pick another type of razor.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
I think OPTIMALLY, one should strop right before shaving. However, the benefit is probably not much to notice. If it is more convenient to strop ahead of time, then do so. You won't be missing much.

I strop AFTER shaving with the pasted balsa and then a few laps on the Big Daddy. That is for preventative edge maintenance and general cleaning/drying. I strop BEFORE shaving also, on the Big Daddy, 4 dozen laps, while the lather sits on my face. That's my routine. But feel free to tweak your own to suit your needs and preferences.
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