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when is your straight razor TRULY shave ready? (story with good advice)

ok..been straight shaving for about a year now exclusively using my straights...
here I was this afternoon..wanting to try my new Koken Army/Navy Razor..I rehoned it last week with a few others as I thought I honed em all just fine...DMT1200 Diamond Plate then to my combo Coti n oil

Started out my pre shave..waited a few minuted to let it soak in..
applied plenty of shave soap lather...
Started to shave..

hmmm..I felt the razor was cutting...but not very well..I shaved over and over still wondering what could be the problem..lather?..technique...nope I thought to myself..just maybe the edge isnt 100% set...grabbed my near wedge and finished up cleanly...asked my wife was she thought..she replied it didnt feel as "sharp" as my others felt..ok I thought..maybe the edge needs to be put back on..so went about 50 laps on my combo coti with oil...

Test shaved in various places..hmm..still not removing much more hair and I felt myself trying to use more pressure noticing more irritation....

I Realized ok ok...time to go back a step to my DMT...first 20 laps were firm pressure..followed by 10 more lighter and finally 20 very light laps..til I felt the edge "suction" itself to my hone that was when I knew the edge (bevel) was set..

Now onto my combo coti..3 drops of Camellia oil per side..and off I lapped about 50 very light laps back n forth per side..always making sure the razor edge came in 100% contact with my stones flat surface and always listening for that "zinging" sound when on my stone

Success!....razor was perfect and removed armhair with 0 effort..in fact I touched a few tiny spots on my neck and felt the hairs melt right off
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