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When do you judge your shave?

Just curious when others determine whether or not they got a good shave. Do you do it right after shaving, after your post-shave ritual, or maybe later in the day? Personally, I've been doing it after I get to work in the morning (about 1 hour after shaving). My face is totally dry by then and I can get a good idea of where I still need work and the level of irritation.
Directly after, and then later in the day. If I can look at my face in the mirror in the afternoon and not see any grey stubble, I know it was a good shave. :biggrin:


For me, right after, then about 12 hours later to see how close and consistant the shave is.
I actually do what paul does. It seems the only way I can slide my hands around real nice is when my face dries sometime later on. I use the front half of my fingers to assess. works nicely but then if i miss a spot it bothers me all day.
The time I check my shave is already during the shave. Any nicks, cuts? Any hairs left?
After the shave there's no consistent ritual for me, I check whenever I like.
Right after when I am rinsing with cold water.

After my third pass I start to check for touch up spots I gotta work on. Then might go for a 4th pass if it needs it then touch ups.

Then i do what RM71 does.
After the third pass I feel for touch up areas. If I find myself feeling my face in the evening (I shave late morning) and loving the smoothnessI am a happy man!
I'd say I measure it upon completion (to ensure it is a satisfactory shave for duty) but I judge it much later in the day when I rub my chin in thought and it dawns on me just how smooth it still is!
Who am i kidding i pretty much feel my face until the stubble returns.
how true...

although I like to do my last touchup with just a tiny bit of lather on my wet hand and rub it around looking for my sense of feel to tell me where to place the finishing stroke touches
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