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When do I get the secrect handshake and password to the Veg forum?

Well I must say I sat with the bottle of veg on my desk for over a week. Gave it a sniff here and there. I found out today that I should not have held off! I am proud to list my name among my fellow vegitators! I really must say I find it most wonderful. It tickles all of my senses and all in a positive way! swmbo has not yet had the chance to sample it but I truly hope she digs it as much as I do!!
Congratulations! You have been CHOSEN!!! The secret handshake is that tingly feeling that you get as you splash the green monster on your face! The password: the gasps and gagging noises of the unchosen as you pass them on the street. Enjoy your days enveloped in sweet, earthy lilac goodness! Let the cries of "cat ****," "unicorn pee" and "old lady" go unheard as the scent of the euphoria inducing elixer eclipses the rest of the world. People come and go, seasons pass in the blink of an eye but The VEG is timeless. Now, I think I need to go be with my Aftershave.

You have been smiled upon by the Great VEG God, you are now one of THE CHOSEN! Topgumby will be along soon to teach you the secret handshake and play you a song.
Shortly before heading home I put a fresh application of The Veg on my face. I went right home and flung the door wide with my chest protruding like a mountain Silverback strutting for his mate! I marched right up the stairs, took the wife into my arms and laid a smooch right on her. I did what I could to ooze manliness and now it was all up to the power of The Veg! Her eyes popped right open in a bit of a shocked look and she pulled back... I was unsure if this was going to be good or.... and then it happened.. Mamma G "Is that a new after shave love?" Me "Why yes it is. It is... THE VEG!" Mamma G "well you wear that one any time you like. It is better than most of the crap you put on your face.". I personally will take that as a win!!!!!
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.... and then it happened.. Mamma G "Is that a new after shave love?" Me "Why yes it is. It is... THE VEG!" Mamma G "well you wear that one any time you like. It is better than most of the crap you put on your face.". I personally will take that as a win!!!!!

By wife also approves of THE VEG. Most of the AS/EDC I have tried get met with "what's that stink". The veg was labeled a smell instead of stink by SWMBO so it must be a winner.

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