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When did wet shaving become a hobby?

When did you realize that wet shaving became a hobby? What triggered it? With me I use to wet shave only some of the time. Then one day while I was on Amazon.com looking around their site, at the bottom of the page one of the items they suggested was an Edwin Jagger shave mug. So I decided I would buy a new mug to stimulate my interest in wet shaving. Well 2 more mugs, 5 brushes, and 9 razors later. I guess I accomplished my goal to stimulate my interest. That started in Nov. 2011. I'm far from done buying.
About a month before I joined the B&B, I decided I wanted to be a classier type of man. One of my co-workers went to Europe to look at battlefields from the first and second world wars and came back with a really nice straight razor. I decided to look into it and picked a set with a Merkur in it. Since then I've picked up some razors and cream, I'm waiting on the B&B brush, an Old Spice mug, and a Gillette from 1953 that was issued in the Canadian Army. It is also a more relaxing shave now that I have to put a bit more time and effort into it than the M3 and can process.
once I started doing it for pleasure, not just a work obligation. previously, I would not shave on a day I wasn't going to work. period. now I do.
For me, shaving was a chore, and I used to grow a beard for a couple of months at a time and then shave it all off. Of course, shaving off a fuller beard was harder work then just a couple of days' stubble - but a harder chore every couple of months was better than a less-hard chore every couple of says.

Then I got to wondering about something better to shave off my 2-months growths, and I found and bought a Merkur open-comb razor. And with that, it was a dream - it really was pleasurable to see the way it just sloughed off all that beard with no effort.

That got me shaving more regularly, and then later I went on to buy a Merkur safety bar razor, and I started to enjoy the shaving process enough to keep myself clean shaven. And that was the start... vintage razors, different soaps, all kinds of brushes, aftershaves, different blades...
I always enjoyed a wet shave if I could do it in my free time (in the military we had to shave twice a day and that was not so much fun). When I retired a few years ago I had plenty of time and started collecting razors and trying out different shave related items.
Great thread. I started wet shaving a few years ago and gave up pretty quickly because I wasn't getting good results. Over the summer, I found an article on one of my RSS feeds touting the benefits of wet shaving. Turns out I was doing it wrong the whole time! Until I found B&B, I had no idea how misguided I was. I didn't know all of these tools existed. What was a chore quickly turned into an art form.
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once I started doing it for pleasure, not just a work obligation. previously, I would not shave on a day I wasn't going to work. period. now I do.

This right here: when it became enjoyable, end of discussion. Thank you gentlemen, don't forget to tip your waitresses!
About a year ago for me, as soon as I got my first DE razor, a Merkur 38C. Decades of shaves with electric and cartridge razors were nothing but a chore. Suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, shaving became a passion...
It seems the story is the same for many of us, had been using disposable razors and can'd stuff for many years and didn't exactly enjoy shaving with resulting growth for 2 or 3 days between shaves. I think it was when i stumbled upon the art of manliness website that it all came together, when i also got a sniff from the tabac shave soap and that brought back memories of grandpa i was hooked. :shaving:
My wife asked me a similar question last night. Specifically, she wanted to know how I came to be so interested in all sorts of "old stuff." It started with the mirror in our bathroom. We bought a 100-year-old house with the original medicine cabinet still in place. I started thinking about how the original owner might have shaved with an old time DE razor. That led me to want to try one and an eBay purchase of a gold ball end Tech and a flare tip SS. The seller didn't know what they were, so I googled around for matching pics. Guess which website had the best photos and reviews. That led to the forums and several RADs, from which I have not yet escaped. Then it all somehow morphed so that I'm now wearing an old style pork pie hat and suspenders (aka, braces).
once I started doing it for pleasure, not just a work obligation. previously, I would not shave on a day I wasn't going to work. period. now I do.

This right here: when it became enjoyable, end of discussion. Thank you gentlemen, don't forget to tip your waitresses!

About a year ago for me, as soon as I got my first DE razor, a Merkur 38C. Decades of shaves with electric and cartridge razors were nothing but a chore. Suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, shaving became a passion...

The first time I loaded a tech with an Astra and had my first wet shave - and enjoyed it!

all of the above except mine was a futur with a derby


Needs milk and a bidet!
once I started doing it for pleasure, not just a work obligation. previously, I would not shave on a day I wasn't going to work. period. now I do.
nailed it.

I used to even skip work days and more than once my district manager would give me crap about my stubble/beard. "are you going for the Miami Vice look?" "hey, Don Johnson" "either grow it or shave it"
honestly i think i got to the point where i done it just to irritate him. but still hated shaving.

Then cartridges started to became way to much money for me and my meager salary and I moved to disposables. I hated shaving even more then. I think I always knew of the safety razor but was always brainwashed by cartridges. I did a lot of research on cost and jumped in with 50pk of astras, 34C razor, vdh boar and Bigelow creme.

as far as the hobby goes....not until i joined here did i consider it a hobby and had the desire to try new things and collect. But now i'm glad i did!
Cartridges are expensive and I've always gotten a crappy shave from them. Even with a quick 3 pass shave and not even attempting a BBS shave yesterday, I got an acceptable shave and still enjoyed doing it. I used to shave 1-2 times a week. The only time I'd shave twice a week would be because I didn't want it to be so hard to shave if I only were doing it once a week. Now, I'd probably shave every day if I could. Schedule does not always permit.
When I ended up with enough razors to shave with one then not see it again for a full month as I used the others I have :lol:
I was hooked by the variety of stuff available in traditional shaving and got a few nice things to start. I picked up a few vintage items on ebay but I don't have them organized or displayed yet, and I'm not systematic about it, so I wouldn't call the collecting part of it a hobby...yet.

Shaving itself became a hobby when I got my first straight from Whippeddog. It requires time, effort and focus to acquire new knowledge and skills; it involves beautiful things that need an inordinate amount of attention; it gives a huge amount of personal satisfaction; and people think you are somewhat eccentric for pursuing it.
What more can you ask from a hobby?
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i find it a pleasurable requirment and not a hobby, per se. Since i was doing it with an electric, i thought to myself, why not finally enjoy it for once. Got my first DE in October 2011, then i was hooked.
When I got my first DE, a Merkur 34C. Like some others it was Art of Manliness that turned me onto the idea.

I have used carts since I started shaving about 20y ago. I've also had a few electrics but never got on with them.

I decided to take the plunge and SWMBO wanted to know what I wanted for Christmas so I suggested a set with the Merkur, badger brush, pot of T&H sandalwood and a blade sampler.

I fell in love with my 1st shave, it's like I had opened my eyes for the 1st time in 20 years :)
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