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What's your personality type?

What is Your Type? I couldn't list all 16 options individually so please specify.

  • ISTJ or ISFJ

  • ESTP or ESFP

  • INTJ or INFJ

  • ENTP or ENFP

  • ISTP or INTP

  • ESTJ or ENTJ

  • ISFP or INFP

  • ESFJ or ENFJ

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Are you an extrovert? Introvert? Have you take the Myers Briggs Personality Type test for your job or just for fun? If so, What's your type? I'm an INTJ and Wifey is ISTJ....which makes for some interesting conversations :a3:
I've done this some time ago. Don't remember the 'results', though.

I believe this test is pretty much considered bogus, though, so don't read too much in to it.
I took that test in college as part of the career placement service they offered. Don't remember what I was, one of the E's, but what I found funny was that the other folks in the group who all had different "types" could ALL be farmers as one of the recommended careers. Farm Bureau must have sponsored the test that year...

My college aptitude test gave me an off the chart score for farmer: -8! They made me promise I would never become one, to prevent my suicide.

I became an accountant.
If I remember right, I ended up at INTP -- the Architect.

SWBMO is INTJ, the Mastermind. And she wouldn't have it any other way. :lol:
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