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What's Your Newest Soap?

RR Mudder Focker. I didn't like the scent at first, but once lathered it comes to life and is an interesting soap. Supposedly has fuller's earth in it whatever that means.

Also picked up Italian Barber Amici but it is a Christmas present for someone so it doesn't count.
Italian Barber Amici. Tossed in an order with a Plissoft. Love the soap far more than I thought I would considering the price, I actually think it beats my puck of B&M Latha due to the ease of lather/
Thanks for your comment. I was at the store buying a couple soaps for someone else for Xmas and I ended up buying a bunch of stuff for me.
I have a habit of doing that too except I've been doing on my shopping online for years. Every Christmas I seem to spend almost as much on myself as i do everyone else combined :facepalm:
My newest is Omega in a tube and Capetian's Choice Bay Rum. Got these a few weeks ago in the mail.

Just got a tin of Bronson Speedway today. Eager to give it a go, it smells really good. I should have waited a week to order it though, it's on sale now.:facep:
I recently got a delivery of some new soaps that I have been wanting to try:

Tabac (stick) - amazing lather and skin feel after, scent still TBD but it is growing on me
Cella - amazing lather and leaves my skin feeling incredible
RR XXX - wonderful scent and very slick lather
IB Amici - great fresh citrus scent
B&M Latha Lavenda - incredible scent (I love lavender) and a very rich lather
Haslinger Schafmilch - next to try

I'm happy. :001_smile
Edwin Jagger Lime shaving soap.
Classic English soap. A little hard to lather.
Nice feeling after shave.
My newest soap arrived yesterday: Soap Commader samples of 9 scents. I used Inspiration today, which is a Japanese grapefruit scent. It was very nice. The soap, which I was using for the first time, was excellent.
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