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What's Your 2 Pass Shave?

I am wondering what passes you do, for those of you who strictly do 2 passes?

I am asking, because I think chasing a BBS is going to drive me nuts, and in the end will keep my neck sore and irritated. I am thinking about cutting it down to 2 or 3 passes, tops!!! Promise... I think I can do it... The pull of the BBS is so strong... No!!! I can do it!!! I think :blink::lol:

I am wondering if everyone that does 2 passes, go WTG and then ATG. I think the ATG is where I start to get in trouble (or maybe it's all the touch-ups I try to do in chase of that BBS). When I go ATG it just seems to cause irritation and bumps, nicks etc...

I am just not sure I can even get a DFS if I do 2 passes that are WTG. And if I do a WTG and attempt an XTG, my hair grows in all different directions, that I am would be constantly changing directions to get the XTG.

So, tell me what you 2 pass shavers do.

First pass in NS, which for me is mainly WTG. Second pass is ear-to-nose which is mainly XTG. I do a clean-up pass SN along my jaw line. This leaves me DFS++. I can do a third full ATG pass, but the 2-pass shave leaves me darn close to BBS without irritation. For me that is what the search is about.
WTG first (N-S), ATG second (S-N face, neck is diagonal from center of neck toward ears). I started out doing this shave but usually do three passes now.
Time permitting, I generally do a three pass and usually a touch up. (WTG, XTG & lastly an ATG )
When I need to do a quicker shave, I will usually do just a WTG and XTG and maybe a chin touch up.
Do you stretch your skin when you shave ?
My theory is that if someone really acquires a true "BBS" shave they are going to have to cut the whiskers below the skin. To me, a BBS means that I won't feel any stubble regardless of the direction that I touch my shaved face. Stretching the skin helps me get a closer shave.... more often than not mine will be a BBS when checked in one beard growth direction but not when checked in an opposite direction...which is fine by me.
A very close DFS is what I shoot for and if I get a better one, I just count that as serendipity :)

Good luck
I only do 2 pass shaves with a straight. I'm a 3 pass man with the de, and I always get BBS. For me the key to an irritation free BBS shave is the soap. The two that work best for me are Straight Razor Designs and Petal Pushers soaps.
There was a post by someone a while back which I saw that talked about a 4 pass shave - WTG, ear to chin (angled between WTG and XTG), nose to corner of jaw (angled between WTG and XTG the other way), and then ATG. They talked about only doing the first 3 passes for a DFS.

I have taken this, thrown out the ATG since no razor can cut my stubble without it feeling a) dangerous and b) tugging at every tiny bit, so I usually shave WTG and then angled between WTG and XTG. Then touchups, or if I feel like a 3rd pass will go the other way with angled between WTG and XTG the other way. When I get my lather, technique, and razor angling right it works quite well on my face.

Neck, I only go WTG due to irritation, and under my chin I go every which way but loose. Under the nose is sideways/north to south/whatever.
It depends, I either go with, then across. Or with then against depending how close I want the shave.
I rarely do more than a 2 pass shave. First pass WTG, 2nd XTG. I always use tallow based soaps and feather blades. If I have the time and am so inclined I will go ATG, but for this I must use hot towels and shaving oil or I will end up with razor burn. Tell you the truth, I'm looking for a damn good shave (DGS) on a daily basis, BBS for special occasions.
My first pass is always WTG, then the second pass is a sort of XTG/ATG hybrid, depending on the area and/or skin condition at the time. I usually need a bit of a touch up around my chin/jawline as well. A 3 pass shave is generally a recipe for irritation in my experience
HERESY!!!! My two pass shave is often first with a good electric, then ATG cleanup with with a DE, pretty much BBS according to SWMBO. MEA CULPA, have mercy.
HERESY!!!! My two pass shave is often first with a good electric, then ATG cleanup with with a DE, pretty much BBS according to SWMBO. MEA CULPA, have mercy.

Hey, if it works, more power to you! I will say that the idea of going back to an electric gives my skin the shivers.
I guess I am going to have to play around a bit. Like I said XTG is different for different sections of my neck/face.
Since I started using the R41, I've been able to achieve a BBS in 2 passes with a couple touch-up spots (mainly the chin/middle neck area for me)...
1st pass - WTG
2nd pass - XTG
Touch-ups - ATG
I do two passes. First is down (WTG) on face and up (WTG at bottom and XTG/WTG on upper area) on neck. Second pass is up on face and down on neck.

Doing the combo XTG/WTG first pass on my neck isn't a problem. I was skipping the second pass on the lower part of my neck but just started doing it again.

Doing ATG on my face on the second pass is also not a problem. I tried doing the traditional three passes, and that isn't a problem either, except I'm lazy and two passes works out the same for me.

I think keys for me are a well softened beard, a wet and slick lather, and a very light touch. I take it some people can't do ATG. If you've tried everything, skip it and just do what you can, and maybe revisit it after awhile.
When I do a two pass shave (well two pass plus touch up, actually), I start N to S. Then I evaluate the first pass and make decisions about the second pass based on what I feel and see. Sometimes the first pass does an excellent job of beard reduction so I can simply do an XTG or ATG on the 2nd pass--or maybe just buff. If there are more issues, I may have to vary the second pass by area of my face.

I suppose if you do a four pass shave you can do it by routine and know you will still get a great shave. But for me at least, I'f I'm doing a two pass shave, I don't follow a strict routine. I let the results of the first pass guide the second.
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