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I guess you're saying there's no down side.

Future President Ouch,

That picture your using is just TOTALLY funny!

I was working away and took just a moment to read a bit on B&B and realized whose likeness that is and I literally bursted out guffawing causing some stern looks to be directed towards myself.

Your going to get me fired from my job!

You had better win the Presidency, because I am definitely going to need to draw unemployment compensation very soon, if you don't change that vile and hilarious photo.

I beg your mercy sir, my children will starve if you don't change that photo, Do it for the children!!!! :w00t:


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Future President Ouch,

That picture your using is just TOTALLY funny!

I was working away and took just a moment to read a bit on B&B and realized whose likeness that is and I literally bursted out guffawing causing some stern looks to be directed towards myself.

Your going to get me fired from my job!

You had better win the Presidency, because I am definitely going to need to draw unemployment compensation very soon, if you don't change that vile and hilarious photo.

I beg your mercy sir, my children will starve if you don't change that photo, Do it for the children!!!! :w00t:

If elected, I promise you a full pardon from any workplace violence or sexual harassment convictions you may incur, and I'm sure I can find a job for you after I finish cleaning house with the current crew.

Oh, and I think the custom title is much funnier than the avatar, but you may have to research it a bit.
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Up: Fricken Lasers

Down: Reading of ToU or INFO posts.

Wait, we have rules here ?!?!?!?!?!?!



System Generated
Wait, we have rules here ?!?!?!?!?!?!

Technology is changing, less people are reading this forum on a PC. Most are using Tapatalk and many of those INFO Posts don't show up (depending on settings).

Perhaps a new way to get info out, is in order. I'm on a music forum and if something is that important and everyone needs to see it, you are directed to read it and agree you read it, before you can view any other part of the forum. When you log in, a pop up occurs, says "SITE NEWS" and gives a link, you hit the link, read it, agree you read it and then you can move on.

That way there is no denying you didn't read it and don't have a let to stand on whey called out on it.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
UP: Guys thinking they're the first one to discover a laser razor.

DOWN: Guys reading rules regarding kickstarters.
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