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What's the word on the new formulation of English Fern?

The new formulation of Penhaligon's English Fern is due out toward the end of September. I am curious, like many, about how the new formulation will perform.

Who among us will be the first to post a review of the new formula of this fabled favorite?
The new formulation of Penhaligon's English Fern is due out toward the end of September. I am curious, like many, about how the new formulation will perform.

Who among us will be the first to post a review of the new formula of this fabled favorite?

Whoever it is, I hope it is someone who has had experience with the old formulation. I would be interested to learn how they compare, the new against the old.
Trust me. When the new formulation hits the streets anywhere in "B&B land," we will all know mere minutes after the first shave!
Vintage Blades is now saying late October or Early November is the current ETA on their website. I can already tell you that there will be some who say it is junk because it doesn't contain tallow and they will go on and on about the death of a fine soap. On the other hand, some will say it works quite well and that we should all give it a try with an open mind. I'm going to remain neutral in this and look forward to comparing the new to the old. Trumper's Rose got it right when they reformulated and so I remain optimistic but will withhold judgement until I've had the opportunity to check it out for myself.
I'll buy it as soon as it comes out and do a thorough A/B comparison with the tallow-first formulation. Looking forward to it and hoping for the best.
+1 on Whitebars well reasoned post. By the way we do have a basis for our expectations. My tallow fifth Bleinheim Bouquet is a darn fine soap. Perhaps not quite as good as the legacy tallow first edition, but still worth the preimium price IMHO.

By the way why do they bother to reformulate if there is still some tallow in it?I would think it would be all or nothing (perferably all but oh well!).
+1 on Whitebars well reasoned post. By the way we do have a basis for our expectations. My tallow fifth Bleinheim Bouquet is a darn fine soap. Perhaps not quite as good as the legacy tallow first edition, but still worth the preimium price IMHO.

By the way why do they bother to reformulate if there is still some tallow in it? I would think it would be all or nothing (perferably all but oh well!).

I've often wondered the same thing and have never come up with a logical explanation.
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