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Whats the strongest longest lasting bay rum?

I have pinaud which I dont like and I have scs bay rum with twist which I think is to weak

Any suggestions?


I believe Ogallala offers a "Special Reserve" version that is double-strength. I have the regular cologne and find it rather weak.
I can only tell you what not to get. Royall Bay Rhum smells like cloves for about 5 minutes, and then it's gone. Probably not what you're looking for.
I can only tell you what not to get. Royall Bay Rhum smells like cloves for about 5 minutes, and then it's gone. Probably not what you're looking for.

bay rum scents, in general, are not long lasting. tho some are better than others.
a night on the town, will leave you smelling with a rum and smoke scent that rarely goes away without a wash :p
You should consider Bigelow Bay Rum cologne #32. I just picked up some this week on a tip that it was on clearance at Bath and Body Works for 75% off. (There was a thread on B&B earlier this week about it.) The BBW outlet I went to had over 20 bottles of it still.

The Bigelow is nice, and long lasting. It comes in a spray bottle, which I don't typically like.

To my nose, Pinaud and Ogallala are similar, but the Bigelow is a bit different. It mignt not be as "clovey", but I definitely recognized it as a bay rum.

Just a thought.

+1 on the Bigelows. I love the stuff.

n33470, you're lucky! The B&BW stores in my area had none of the cologne only a few bottles of the balm. :mad:
I was really hoping to pickup 2 bottles of cologne at the sale price. But like real estate, it's location, location, location! :wink:

Hands down the best scents and staying power.

Took it right out of my mouth. Excellent scents, especially the Bay Rum and Sandalwood. Freaking awesome. I would say just go buy some. They'll load up on the samples also so you can try out quite a bit of their stuff on the cheap. Cheap doesn't mean bad quality. They just offer their stuff at super-low prices and it smokes a lot of the competition out there. Especially at it's price point there is no other BR you're gonna find that can stand up to it.
I wanted to chime in here again. Over the weekend, I used Em's Place Bay Rum EO blend, and it lasted a full day easily. It's not a pure bay rum scent (although it attentuates over time as the lighter oils fade in strength), and as I didn't want to irritate my skin, I put a dab on my shirt. I think Em offers this in an EdT; I would definitely recommend checking it out. Now, my gf did ask, "What is that smell?", in a not-exactly-complimentary fashion, but I did garner a "You smell so sweet!" (as in awesome) from one of the other women in our party. :biggrin:
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