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What's The Difference Between Cella, P.160 & R.160?

Hey all,
I am really interested in trying an Italian Soft Soap for the first time. I have checked B & B ,as well as reviews on vendor sites and decided to try Cella (I have it, but have not used it yet).

Now I notice a lot of talk about P.160 & R.160. Looking at the ingredients, all three seem about the same. Is this true???? Is one better than the other???

I am very limited on funds, and really can't order everything, so your advice would be greatly appreciated.
I haven't tried the R160, but knowing from Joe's other offerings that it is as good as the real mccoy.

If you are really on a budget, don't fret and just get the cheapest of the three.
I bet if you did a blind test of the three side by side you couldn't tell the difference.

Edit: I missed that you already had cella, just stick with that till you run out, then go shopping.
R-160 is supposedly very close to P.160, according to Joe at Italianbarber.com. I never used P.160 but I have R-160 and it is an excellent soap, one of my favorites (as are Razorock Classic, XXX and Fresco).
I got some P.160 (Tipo Morbido) in a PIF. And I can say this stuff is amazing! It basically lathers itself and smells like wedding cake. My 2 year old has taken to asking to smell it everyday (and occasionally takes a lick). I don't know what I'll do when I'm out of it (yeah I do, I'm gonna search high and low for a 1 kg bar and refill my container).
Yeah, I got some P.160 in a trade early this year and was completely bowled over by how good it was, so much so that I broke my Purchase Sabbatical and bought a kilo from Italian Barber before it went away. While Valobra isn't in the same class to me, scent-wise, RR Classic, Cella, Vito's, TFS Barbe Rosse are all fantastic croaps.
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I would say the scents are very different the P.160 is more cherry like and Cella is less cherry and more of a nutty smell hard to describe. As far as performance you really cant go wrong with all three with Cella R. 160 being a better bargain I would probably go with one of them.


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I have not tired the R-160, but as others have said, if you are on a budget, grab the R-160 and give it a go. i'm guessing it's near the same as P-160
i also have not used R.160 but if it's like the other RR famiglia soaps then it wont perform the same. not to say that RR soaps aren't great, but p160 is in a class of its own.
i also have not used R.160 but if it's like the other RR famiglia soaps then it wont perform the same. not to say that RR soaps aren't great, but p160 is in a class of its own.

Just to be clear here, r-160 is definitely part of the ARTISAN line, not the la famiglia / TFS line.
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