As a full time student, I can only find employment in the summer months. Therefore, I've been using my stove top espresso maker to make some quick shots to get me out the door. Yes, it lacks sophistication, but I'll do just about anything to beat the rush hour traffic!
Very updosed double cappuccino from El Salvador Matalapa.
The green is quite aged, and the circuit that the roaster was on the last time I roasted (since moving) was weaker than expected. This means slower roasting, even during the summer. This also means slower cooling. It's almost like I was working with an Alpenroast. Little to no control.
Some excellent Mexico Chiapas, the last of my stash from early last year. It has been vacuum packed, but is slowly losing its character. Still an excellent cup, though.
1st cup: Counter Culture Coffee - Idido Misty Valley
This is a great dry-process coffee from Ethiopia. Very fruity, floral and smooth.
2nd cup
Allegro Coffee-Masai Blend
A great blend of washed African coffees, fresh roasted at Whole Foods