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What's all this bacon talk?

Somehow I see bacon being mentioned on this forum quite a lot lately and not just in the mess hall.

Don't get me wrong, I like bacon but is this a new hype in the USA or has it always been this popular?
I think more people are beginning to see it as up there in the ranks of fine charcuterie? Either that or people just love bacon more than ever :biggrin1:
Speaking of which, I have a wet cured belly seasoned with juniper, coriander seeds, black pepper and molasses finishing up its smoke in a mix of beech wood and Douglas fir. One hour to go!

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
Bacon is delicious, If you would like to see how much some people love bacon might I suggest you check out Epic Meal Time, a group of guys from Montreal that love bacon, and jack daniels, and more bacon.
The Chinese call pork belly five layers of happiness now adding curing and smoking basically turns it into the happiest thing in the entire universe.
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