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What's a good beginner slant?

Seems for a regular DE the majority recommend a 34C or DE89 for a beginner - is there a similar consensus for a slant?

Been wet shaving for almost a year.

I prefer the length of a longer handle, but not the weight. Ideally a long, thin handle (but heavier than aluminum). Maybe I'm being picky :001_unsur
there truly aren't that many really easily available slants other than the merkurs with short or long handles.. i doubt the weight will be an issue as they are likely hollowed.
I went for the Merkur 37c purely based on looks and considering I like the feel of my 34c HD, which is about the same handle in terms of weight and length. Just ask yourself whether you like long handles or short handles and go for either the Merkur 39c or the 37c respectively.

Problem is I like long handles and light weight, but the 39C is almost double the weight of the 37C.
If I get the 37C am I able to use it with my handle from my DE89? Or even a tech handle?
Merkur 37C or the longer handle 39C.
The shaft of the handles are affixed to the bottom plate of the head so you can not interchange handles.
Wow, so I did a more extensive search and you guys are right - besides the 2 Merkur offerings there isn't much else out there. Now this is making me wonder - how can something be so good yet almost no one is interested in producing it - not even companies making cheap knock offs?

Maybe I'll check the classifieds first...
probably a hassle to produce well compared to the basic safety razor... Ikon is supposedly making one, and maybe some of the other start-ups...
Merkur makes a really good slant, and I don't think you can go wrong with either the short or long handle. It just comes down to what suits your needs best. but either is an excellent razor.
One possibility is the Bakelite slant sold by Italian Barber. You may be able to swap different handles onto that one.

I use a Hoffritz Slant daily for my head shaves. (OC New on my face.)
I have both Merkur slant bar razors short and long handle and can't decide wich is better, both are equally excellent. Different feelings on the hand while shaving, but same great result.
I just got my first slant (37c) today and the first shave was awesome. It's only going to get better with each shave!
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