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What straight razor is this and should I pay to get it restored?

I got this wade and butcher razor for like $10 and am wondering if i did good and if its condition is good enough to restore it has no rust on blade or cracks but handle has crack on edge it doesn't effect razor at all but handle would have to go. it says 6/8 on it and full concave on blade. $IMG_0094[1].jpg$IMG_0098[1].jpg$IMG_0100[1].jpg$IMG_0097[1].jpg$IMG_0096[1].jpg


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
It should clean up nicely, and it looks to be hardly used. As far as if it would be worth it, that is up to you. W&Bs tend to be desireable, and at a 10.00 buy in you are ahead of the game.
It's a 6/8 Wade and Butcher. There really isn't much more description to it than that

I think the blade is worth restoring if you're going to use it. Professional restorations are not cheap, however. If you're looking to ebay it, then just let the bidders at it, although you aren't going to get a ton of money for it
I dont wanna put in a ton of money to restore it since it might not be worth it but I know little about straights so I thought this would be a good intro razor. How much does it cost to get the blade cleaned up I think i could do it myself but would prefer not to risk breaking it.
I dont wanna put in a ton of money to restore it since it might not be worth it but I know little about straights so I thought this would be a good intro razor. How much does it cost to get the blade cleaned up I think i could do it myself but would prefer not to risk breaking it.

Cleaning the blade isn't expensive. Some automotive sandpaper and metal polish will work wonders. Obviously you will need to be careful about the edge.

It will have to be sharpened. Tons of guys here who can do that for little cost.

The real problem is the scales. You'll need someone to rescale it. I don't know what the going rate is. Somebody might have some "junk" scales around you could use
In the absence of Doc.... it looks like it may have been contaminated with hepatitis, send it to me and I'll dispose of it for you - I have a recently got my certificate in Safe Razor Arrangements for Disposal, often seen refered to on the forum as SRAD.
In the absence of Doc.... it looks like it may have been contaminated with hepatitis, send it to me and I'll dispose of it for you - I have a recently got my certificate in Safe Razor Arrangements for Disposal, often seen refered to on the forum as SRAD.
You did great for 10 bucks. Grab some 0000 steel wool, rub the whole thing down to get rid of loose rust, get it honed, buy a cheap strop or two, and shave away. As long as the pivot pin is stable, there's no need to rescale it that I see (yet). Looks like the end broke off, but the pivot is ok. Until it falls apart (which it might do while honing or stropping), you should be ok.
Looks like a great find to me. There might be a little pitting under the patina, but It won't affect it at all. Nice find. Looks similar to a W&B Special. Never seen tang engraving that nice on a W&B Tho.

+1 to Krodor's comments. I usually put a little metal polish on the steel wool before I got to the blade.
its honestly worth more than the razor to outsource it. its a pretty standard 6/8 w&b from 1920/30.

clean it up yourself though, its easy and this one should scrub up nicely
In the absence of Doc.... it looks like it may have been contaminated with hepatitis, send it to me and I'll dispose of it for you - I have a recently got my certificate in Safe Razor Arrangements for Disposal, often seen refered to on the forum as SRAD.
Don't listen to this fellow, he's after your razor. It's the old disposing of it because it has hepatitis ploy. That's ridiculous, its more likely contaminated with lead. They often used lead to quench these razors.
This would nullify any requirements for a hepatitis certified razor removal individual.
You obviously need an individual trained in SLCRR (Safe lead contaminated razor removal).) and that would be me.
Please contact me immediately, so I can safely remove the hazardous item from your home.
I'll clean it and rescale it for ya...on the house. May take me a couple of weeks, but I'd be happy to do it. I'm on my endeavor to quit smoking again and idle hands are Phillip Morris playthings. If you're interested, shoot me a PM.
So, OP, in case you are confused since you are new...

In the absence of Doc.... it looks like it may have been contaminated with hepatitis, send it to me and I'll dispose of it for you - I have a recently got my certificate in Safe Razor Arrangements for Disposal, often seen refered to on the forum as SRAD.
That's a joke.

Don't listen to this fellow, he's after your razor. It's the old disposing of it because it has hepatitis ploy. That's ridiculous, its more likely contaminated with lead. They often used lead to quench these razors.
This would nullify any requirements for a hepatitis certified razor removal individual.
You obviously need an individual trained in SLCRR (Safe lead contaminated razor removal).) and that would be me.
Please contact me immediately, so I can safely remove the hazardous item from your home.
That's a joke (though true about quenching in lead, some did that).

I'll clean it and rescale it for ya...on the house. May take me a couple of weeks, but I'd be happy to do it. I'm on my endeavor to quit smoking again and idle hands are Phillip Morris playthings. If you're interested, shoot me a PM.

That's flat out gentlemanly and an honest offer. Good on ya Tnuts.
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Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
You got that for a pretty good price! Similar go on the bay for over twice that much. Very generous offer from Tnut, and you should take him up on it. That is a pretty good razor you got, and it will look good and shave better when he is done, I am sure.
I'll clean it and rescale it for ya...on the house. May take me a couple of weeks, but I'd be happy to do it. I'm on my endeavor to quit smoking again and idle hands are Phillip Morris playthings. If you're interested, shoot me a PM.

:thumbup: That is a nice offer
Very generous of Tnuts. You could have a fun do-it-yourself project if you are ready. If not, then send it away and await a wondrous surprise upon it's return. You won't recognize it.
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