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What razor blade did you use today? How many days?


Even more clueless than you

Shark Super Chrome x2
Giesen & Forsthoff Timor Pure Shaver CC & Gillette Permasharp Stainless (golden package) with the seventh shave, still smooth and sharp (I don't know what's going on here).

Never liked that razor very much, but now (at the moment) I do. It's just strange that you seem to have use pressure like shaving with a Mach3 on it's 12th shave to get a good result, but it works without irritation.
Blade Shark Platinum 🦈 Platinum 2nd
Continuing Shark Week 6th shave with the razor and blade pairing. This combination was super smooth...glass-like sea surface...until unexpectedly bitten...lesson learned, don't let the guard down especially if all looks calm & smooth! 3passes for a mostly bbs finish but 2 red spots.
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