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What Old Spice is this??

What type OS is this?? I found it in a thrift store but it doesn't say what it is just some type special edition and it is a P and G concoction.

Well I believe that's French, that help any?

Well it has a Canadian address on the back of the bottle and then a bunch of rubbish about keeping it away from children.

The smell can't compare to Ivory Club but I guess it is ok.
I gave a quarter for it tax and all :biggrin:
Great score.

If I am not mistaken, what you may have there is the last of the Shulton formulation just before they altered it to the present formulation.
I find its not as powdery & floral as the new plastic bottle stuff.

Where the heck is ClubmanRob when you need him? :a36:
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