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What makes your favorite pipe your favorite pipe?


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
What attributes make your favorite pipe your fave? Is it the external beauty of the pipe, how it smokes, or some nostalgia associated with it? Did you buy it new, inherit it used or score a nice "estate" pipe? Beyond the obvious, like being properly drilled and free of gross defects, what do you look for in a pipe that may insure it will be a good smoker? At less than a year in, I'm still trying to figure it all out. I began with several pipes inherited from my late father and have accumulated many more since then. I suppose my favorite is one of my father's, a bent apple Armellini that is a fairly good smoker and looks good as well as feels good in the hand or hanging from the jaw. So part nostalgia, mostly form and function. Tell us about yours!


Fridays are Fishtastic!
My meerschaums are taking the bulk of my smoking time- they smoke cool and dry. Here is my full size (with a no name billiard for size comparison) I keep at home, and the mini-meer ram's head I keep at work- it provides a quick five minute smoke, which is perfect for breaks. There will be more meerschaum in my future.


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My favorite pipe is my MM Country Gentleman for two reasons:

1) It's the only pipe I own.
2) My first smokes with it have been nothing but enjoyable. :)
That is a very interesting question.

I haven’t been at this long enough to be able to appreciate the subtle differences between a mass produced pipes and those produced by an artesian; what matters to me first and foremost is how the pipe looks.

I have been fortunate that the pipes that I have acquired based on this shallow criterion have proven to be good-to-great smokers (and I hope that lucky streak continues forever). I have an even dozen now, but I really only rotate between my top four – those that I just really really like.

The top of those would have to be my Peterson XL23 red spigot. The deep bend is comfortable dangling from my jaw and the round apple bowl is perfect in my hand. I love the silver spigot’s look and that it smokes effortlessly is the cherry on the sundae.

After that; I have learned that I favor quarter-to-half bent pipes – particularly in the bulldog, Rhodesian or prince style. Those shapes suit the way I smoke and where I smoke, so any future acquisitions will continue along those lines….right up to the point where something sexy catches my eye and my tastes change.


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
".right up to the point where something sexy catches my eye and my tastes change."

I fully understand that sentiment. I primarily like styles that hang well from the jaw, but there are some straight billiards that I like as well. Today, after the initial post, I smoked for the first time a recently acquired Savinelli rusticated billiard that smoked like a dream, with FM Cellar of course, and sways my whole way of thinking towards what style best suits me. I have a new (to me) freehand Armenelli, but it has yet to win my heart as a smoker, but looks cool in my collection.
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After I accumulated enough pipes to start noticing trends, I really prefer bent stems with a shallower squat sort of chamber and bowl.
Loaded question! Would have to say most of them......

My Stanwell Silver band is my VaPer/VA pipe and loves rides in my truck.

Stronger fare like ropes, RY, Irish Oak, and 1792 Flake live in my Cobwarden:

And when I relax on the patio with a book my Bjarne Elephant's Foot devours English blends like no one's business:

And.....I guess all of them. :)
I have a collection of over 20 old pipes that used to be my dads (he had quit smoking them, so I stole them when my mom was planning on throwing them out). Having a large collection with a wide variety of shapes, I have certain pipes that I am drawn to purely because they look cool. Despite these sexy choices, my favorite pipe is one whose looks I don't particularly care for. It is a plain looking Lovat (using GL Pease's definition of the long shank, short saddle bit: see http://www.glpease.com/Pipes/Shapes/Billiards.php). It isn't marked, but I am guessing it is an Edwards second or a basket pipe of another maker-- I will have to post a picture later.

It has become my favorite because it smokes the best out of all my pipes and it is perfectly balanced when clinched. Smoking it is just a great experience regardless of the unassuming looks and lack of pedigree.
Out of my modest collection of ~12 pipes my cobs tend to be my favorites. They smoke wonderfully and dont require much fuss. Load, light, smoke. Run a pipe cleaner through on occasion. I keep a couple in the truck for the commute and they always perform great, stay lit well so I'm not messing around with lighting it while driving and hold just enough tobacco to get from point a to b.
My Kirsten full bent standing pipe is my favorite pipe in my collection. It smokes like a dream and I can switch out the bowls so I don't get any ghosting when I go from grousemoor to anything else. Granted I can do the same thing with my falcons, and the meer lined falcon bowls are better than Kirsten bowls. I think part of the reason that the Kirsten is my favorite is because they don't make them anymore.

I haven’t been at this long enough to be able to appreciate the subtle differences between a mass produced pipes and those produced by an artesian; what matters to me first and foremost is how the pipe looks.

Artesian pipes smoke wetter.
My Kirsten full bent standing pipe is my favorite pipe in my collection. It smokes like a dream and I can switch out the bowls so I don't get any ghosting when I go from grousemoor to anything else. Granted I can do the same thing with my falcons, and the meer lined falcon bowls are better than Kirsten bowls. I think part of the reason that the Kirsten is my favorite is because they don't make them anymore.

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Oh my - that is one purty pipe, sir! Wait - that sounds dirty. Nice pipe! Wait - that isn't any better. That, sir, is a well-constructed pipe that is pleasing to the eye and I would submit that it appears to be a good smoker.

There - that was safer.
My pipes can hear me type this...they are all my favorites. I don't want them to sour on me!

If I had to pick one, I would go with my MM cob. It's not elegant, but it's pack, fire and forget. And that counts for alot in my book, especially after a long day at work.
my favourite pipes were gifts, and that's why they are my favourites, cause it makes me think of someone who was thinking of me. And that makes me smile
Good man.

The funny part of it all is that he has started to smoke his pipes again after becoming jealous of my enjoyment of them. Nice to enjoy a pipe with him, unfortunately he has started taking some of the pipes back!

For those that are interested, here is the aforementioned non-sexy, but awesome smoking favorite pipe:
The funny part of it all is that he has started to smoke his pipes again after becoming jealous of my enjoyment of them. Nice to enjoy a pipe with him, unfortunately he has started taking some of the pipes back!

On the plus side, gift giving for holidays just suddenly got a LOT easier for both of you. lol
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