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What is your best boar brush?

​​Hey Guys, so ive tried badger brushes and boar brushes. I must say my first was a badger brush and i was SOOO doubting getting a boar. it just didnt sound good to me.. now i love Boar brushes. In my selection nothing can beat it. but thats my opinion.

So what boar brush do you like the most??

i love the Omega 10066. Im waiting for the B&B Essential Lava to come out so i can buy that.
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I am in love with my Omega 11126 and the Omega 10098! My Semogue 1305 performs well, but I just love how the Omega brushes perform. I'm currently using an Omega 50014 travel brush to get it ready for holiday travel, and it is performing grandly. The first shave it lost five or six bristles, and the second time only one or two. This last shave it didn't drop a single one, and I'm hoping it stays that way. I guess that it being so densely packed it is bound to happen, so I'm not really concerned.

I love my boar brushes more than the badger brushes, but I wouldn't get rid of a single brush I own - except for the GBS Pure Badger travel shaving brush that I'm gifting to my best friend so he has a travel brush. Hopefully it will start him off well, and he can pick up a better one if he fancies the idea of a travel brush.
Another Omega boar I like is the 80097. It has a different type of handle you don't see often. It has a 24mm knot with a 55mm loft.

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ifs70 do you have an omega brush? how do semogue fair to those. I really want another Omega brush but i hear great things about semogue as well. omega and Sem have that great price point. so i was looking into semogues as my next purchase after the B&B essential
ifs70 do you have an omega brush? how do semogue fair to those. I really want another Omega brush but i hear great things about semogue as well. omega and Sem have that great price point. so i was looking into semogues as my next purchase after the B&B essential
No I haven't used an Omega, started with Semogue and haven't been tempted to try any other brand.
I've used the following:
Omega 49
Omega 20102
B&B - which is an Omega
Omega Bambino - but it's more for fun/travel
Semogue 2000
Semogue SOC

For me the Semogues splay too much in comparison to the Omegas (similar knot size/loft) - therefore they become to unfocused on the face and lack the backbone of the Omega

However if you are after the softest out of those the Semogue SOC would win - but then I personally would go horse or badger...

YMMV - good luck and enjoy the journey!
I really like the semogue's handles. it looks like they really put that care into it. i also think thats why they are more expensive. But i def want a wooden handle brush. and that sem ifs70 looks pretty neat
so i just bought a semogue OC.. that brush looks super nice..as my first semogue i think its gonna be awesome.. still looking forward to the B&B though. when they actually release it. they needa take that frosted seafoam of there site, its just a tease now and sell the new one side by side to the pink one.
My favorite brush of all time was the Semogue 1305. It was my go-to for about 4 years but eventually it got too floppy and didn't hold as much water as before. I tried cleaning it but that didn't help. So I retired it to drawer duty for a much deserved rest.

I have 2 SOCs but don't use them much. They are a bit too big for me, but the quality is all there. Even though they have the same knot, the same age, and similar break-in, they each developed a unique personality. The ash one is nice and soft but a tad too floppy, the cherry one is a little scritchy but has plenty of backbone.

My current boar is a Semogue Custom 2010. I wish I could remember the specs on it. It refused to break in when I first got it, so I put it in the drawer and forgot about it until earlier this year. It still took a long time to break in, but it finally popped and gives me that "Aaaaaah!" feeling when I put it to my face.

Also in current rotation is a Semogue 620. I keep it in the shower and use it sometimes to apply pre-shave lather.
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