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What is under a Streamline/Jewel?

I would like to pose this to anyone in the know. I have a newly acquired GEM Jewel that has some plating loss and in those places, it looks like there is copper. I would have assumed it was brass, as that seems a better metal for a base. Does anyone know for sure what the base metal for Streamline/Jewels is?

(If possible, is there someplace that re-plates in the original Chromium if I ever decide to replate this razor? (I am assuming that's what they are plated in.)
I have a well worn Gem Jewell with some wear on the edge of the top piece and it looks like brass to me. On mine the handle can be separated into 2 pieces showing the un-plated base metal...it is brass. I would assume the Streamlines are the same...both of mine have no brassing so I can't say for sure.

I've thought about getting the Gem re-plated too but not sure...might be better to keep it worn looking. I think ShaveFreak had one re-plated recently...maybe he will respond.
I have a well worn Gem Jewell with some wear on the edge of the top piece and it looks like brass to me. On mine the handle can be separated into 2 pieces showing the un-plated base metal...it is brass. I would assume the Streamlines are the same...both of mine have no brassing so I can't say for sure.

I've thought about getting the Gem re-plated too but not sure...might be better to keep it worn looking. I think ShaveFreak had one re-plated recently...maybe he will respond.
thank you for the response. I was unsure. The worn spots on my GEM Jewel look like copper, that's why I asked. I also lean towards keeping it worn, as it shows it's well worn age. I was just pondering if the original Chromium could be re-plated.
I dont remember any of the ones I've seen looking any different. I've seen two gems and an everready with damage to the plating in different ways, they've all seemed brassy to me.
I dont remember any of the ones I've seen looking any different. I've seen two gems and an everready with damage to the plating in different ways, they've all seemed brassy to me.

You are my man Down Under...I wouldn't assume to dispute you. I will try to get a pic of the uncased GEM Jewel I am talking about and others can see what I mean.
This would be the worst I've seen:

(The rest of the razor was perfect, so I don't know what happened to the poor wee chap!)

I haven't seen any serious loss to a head though, other than slight wear in the corners.
I haven't seen any serious loss to a head though, other than slight wear in the corners.

Actually I lie, I just checked my own in the bathroom and it does have wear behind the tab on the head - and it is the same colour as the pictures above.
Here are some pictures that hopefully will show why I thought it might be copper:




I hope the pictures show what I mean. It is a definite copper color in person.
looks copper, like the gillette new head!
so, different parts of the razor are different base metals?
looks copper, like the gillette new head!
so, different parts of the razor are different base metals?
Hard to say, but I think you're right. The handle pictures looked like Brass to me, but as I've said, the parts that have lost plating on mine definitely look to be copper to me.
Copper unalloyed is probably too soft to use on the head. The NEW head is made of red brass. It looks like the Jewel/Streamline twins may be also.
Don't forget the old and durable "real" chroming process used to be successive layers of copper, nickel, then chromium. I would definitely think the base metal was cast brass like every other razor of that era.
Don't forget the old and durable "real" chroming process used to be successive layers of copper, nickel, then chromium. I would definitely think the base metal was cast brass like every other razor of that era.

Is what we need, in the name of science, is for someone with a large stash of these things to cut one open and see what layers he can find?
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