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What Is This Brush?

Hello everyone. I found more of dad's old shaving gear. I remember seeing this as a kid. I was laying in the cabinet, but I never saw him use it. The only labeling is Rubberset. The bristles are stiff but soft. We have two horses on the small farm. To be honest, the brush feels like them. Is this a horse hair brush?


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No tattoo mistakes!
Looks like horsehair to me. I think use of horsehair was discontinued for a while due to Anthrax.

I think I have one like that in a box somewhere, but it has a cream-colored handle.
Rubbersets are great brushes, in my opinion. However, yours looks rather worn, as does the one I own. You could replace the knot with a nice badger, boar, horse, or synthetic and have a very fine brush to use. Replacing the knot is not a difficult task and there are plenty of posts on B&B that go over the process.
It looks like a Rubberset 89. The web site below is slow to load, but it contains Rubberset brush information. OSSB - Rubberset USA Shaving Brush Models - https://web.archive.org/web/20181226072341/http://oldschoolshavingbrushes.com/rubberset_models_usa.html
I think you are right. I read where Rubberset stopped making brushes in 1954. It seems that if the model 89 has not had its knot replaced, they all seem to have this small short knot in them. I wonder if this brush was a travel brush of the day? It is pretty small.
Got two new ones that look nearly the same, but are marked "Strongset". Both are black horse hair.
Ok, that is what I thought. The pictures I find always show that small, non-fanned out knot. I wonder if these brusher were part of millitary issue back then. The size of the brush and knot do not make sense for everyday home use. The knot does feel like hirse hair.
Here is my 5Cents: measure the size of your handle-hole....., go to the bay and order a synthetic knot (they are inexpensive and good). Watch the videos on how to replace and then do it.....you will feel good about it.....

Animalhair are also OK, but I sometimes wonder what I will get if I do not buy from a reputable vendor ($$$), and this is also your first try at switching knots....

Watch more than one video....as not all are that good.
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