Bought this shave secret stuff and have been using it but dont know if it's actually working. Don't know if I can chalk it up to placebo or not. Anybody use and swear by it?
I use it when I shave with a straight, or a particularly aggressive DE. I put about 7 drops in my palm and rub it on before my lather and it works as well as any other pre-shave oil I've tried. It advertises itself as a straight up shaving oil, no lather needed, but I've never used it alone. But as a PSO it works great.
I've only used it as a pre-shave oil. I think that it works pretty good, though I don't use it that often. I saw it at Wal-Mart and thought I would give it a try.
I think more than a placebo, it can help make up for poor lather especially (if the lather isn't slick enough this should help). Plus maybe some other poor technique issues (blade buffing too much), so I think it can be more than a placebo. But it's only if it helps you, I don't notice a difference, yet I've used it a few times, I think I can be a little more aggressive since it helps the slickness a lot. Or maybe just be lazier with my technique.