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What is the proper way??

I take my blade out of the razor I use for the day and use a toothbrush and Dawn to clean it.

My question is, what is the proper way to clean the razor blade, itself, especially if there is soap, etc. on the blade tip.
Sometimes running it under hot water just doesn't get it clean.

Any tips and pointers are appreciated!
On the occasion that I take the blade out, I run it under water, put it on a dry washcloth, fold the end of the washcloth over it, pat or press once, done.

If you use a tooth brush or anything else (for that matter) on the apex of the edge, you are just damaging the edge. There is no reason to do that at all.
I don't do anything too complicated. Sometimes, soapy gunk and hair remains sticking to the edge of the razor blade. I just run the blade carefully between my thumb and index finger to remove it, rinse off with water, and then towel dry the blade and safety razor.
I remove DE blades between shaves and put them on a series of magnets that help me keep track of how many times I have used them. After removing the blade (carefully), I rinse it briefly under running water and put it on the magnet. I then rinse and dry the razor. Nothing too fancy.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Loosen razor slightly, rinse, leaving blade to dry airing inside razor until tomorrow.
Worked well like that for about 50 years -- I see no need to start fiddling about handling blades at this point in my life.

What does Gillette say?
Please read blurb next to step 3

England, too

Adjustable (w/ stainless blades now), part 4
I have a few razors with blades in them that are only used to touch up problem areas with witchhazel after a SR shave and I'll just rinse it under water or open slightly and let dry. I usually use one blade and many razors til the blade isn't shaving any longer and I put it in a blade bank. If it's a blade for DE use, when I finish shaving, I'll loosen the TTO/handle and rinse the razor under hot water, then take it out of the razor. If there's any schmutz left on the edge, I'll put it under running hot water and pull the schmutz off the blade with my thumb and forefinger. Once clean, I give it a shake and put the squared off end of the blade between my lips like a cigarette (so I know where it's at and so I don't drop or damage the edge) while I dry and buff the used razor and grab/prep the next razor in rotation. Once the new TTO or 3-piece is ready, I'll take the blade out of my mouth with my free hand and load/secure it. I respect the blade because it's sharp and all, but I'm not afraid of handling them -- blades aren't nitro glycerin that are going to blow if not handled with kid gloves and even if you only get a few shaves out of them, they're cheap. It's shaving after all, don't over-think it.
The only time I will wipe a blade is if I think the cream I'm using will leave a ridge of residue that wasn't rinsed away by the faucet pressure. Such a ridge will dry and harden between shaves. Like VDH Shave Butter will sometimes do.

That really doesn't happen with soap lather.

Otherwise, I don't think a chrome, platinum, or PTFE plated bit of stainless steel needs any king of cleaning.


I smell like a Christmas pudding
Leaving the blade in the razor makes sense if you use the same razor for consecutive shaves, which I suspect is what most men did years ago. I use a different razor each shave and an individual razor may go several weeks between uses so I remove the blade after use. I pat the blade dry and leave it to one side until I decide which razor I will use next, which will be moments before I next shave. It may be a DE, an injector, an SE, AC, or a straight. My only rule is that I never use the same razor for two consecutive shaves.
I take my blade out of the razor I use for the day and use a toothbrush and Dawn to clean it.

My question is, what is the proper way to clean the razor blade, itself, especially if there is soap, etc. on the blade tip.
Sometimes running it under hot water just doesn't get it clean.

Any tips and pointers are appreciated!
I do not take the blade out. I generally use blades 3-5 times and that is consecutive shaves. I do not jump from razor to razor, I use up a blade before doing that. I rinse frequently while shaving, not sure what might cause something residual on the blade that would require cleaning.
Thank you everyone.....good info, numerous ideas and if it's working for you, perfect. I find I get a residue on the blade, only if I use a cream soap. Bowl lathers never created a problem, actually create a "pleasure".

Nemo, the Gillette materials are priceless!
Thank you and not to worry. I didn't word that properly. The toothbrush and Dawn is for the Razor, I never would use it on a blade. Great advise. The only difference I do is to attach blades to some round magnets to let them completely dry!
Leaving the blade in the razor makes sense if you use the same razor for consecutive shaves, which I suspect is what most men did years ago. I use a different razor each shave and an individual razor may go several weeks between uses so I remove the blade after use. I pat the blade dry and leave it to one side until I decide which razor I will use next, which will be moments before I next shave. It may be a DE, an injector, an SE, AC, or a straight. My only rule is that I never use the same razor for two consecutive shaves.
Same here, I never use the same razor two days in a row and seldom even use the same platform two days in a row. I rotate through a large selection of DE, SE, injectors and cartridge razors so I remove the blade after each use, including the injectors, dry it in a folded hand towel and store them in a small container with a desiccant packet until next use. Only exception is the carts, I leave the blade on them until they need replaced.


System Generated
Thank you everyone.....good info, numerous ideas and if it's working for you, perfect. I find I get a residue on the blade, only if I use a cream soap. Bowl lathers never created a problem, actually create a "pleasure".

Nemo, the Gillette materials are priceless!
Does the residue on the blade affect the shave in any way or is it that you want it to look clean?
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The Lather Maestro
I have a small glass jar with a wire bail top and rubber gasket I keep filled with 91% rubbing alcohol. When I'm done shaving I loosen the handle and rinse the blade under hot water, then dunk it in the alcohol while I rinse the brush and bowl, put on aftershave, etc. Then I put the razor down on the sink without tightening it again.

Next day I tighten it again, shave, do the same routine. I don't handle the blade unless I'm changing it as has been posted.
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