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What is a "rocket"?

For example, how does a flare-tip rocket differ from a flare-tip super speed?

What is an HD rocket, and why do they command such a premium over other TTO Gillettes?

Thanks in advance, and I apologize if these are stupid newbie questions that have been answered a thousand times already.:redface:
The Rockets are the British (or in some cases Canadian or German) versions of the Super Speed. The TTO mechanism differs in how it works and the Rockets are generally known to be more thoroughly buffed before plating, thus delivering a more brilliant, or smoother, shine. The HD is a heavier version of the Rocket made in relatively low numbers, thus the higher market value.
I would like to refine that a little further.

Just as some identical Aristocrats style razors are named based on their case (ie 66), so is the English style superspeed.

The Rocket came only in this case:

View attachment 57527

Now place in the razor Achim mentions, and you have the Rocket!!!!!
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