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What if I have only one brush ?

I don't, but the reason I ask is that my brother only has one. A refurbed Ever-Ready that I sent him as part of a starter kit.

I was thinking that he needs at least 2 in order to give one a decent amount of time to dry.

What say you ?

Would a brush still last 10 years if it were the only one and used every day ?

I might have to send him another.

I only use a single brush.. I have not had any issues with shedding in the past year or it not drying completely between shaves but then again I shave every other day too and not every day so YMMV.
I only use a single brush.. I have not had any issues with shedding in the past year or it not drying completely between shaves but then again I shave every other day too and not every day so YMMV

Same here. One brush, but shave every other or every third day.
I have one very dense brush (Rooney 1/1), and I shave everyday. It dries completely each day, but I live in the mountains of Colorado where the humidity usually hangs around the mid 20s. I am not sure about what it will look like in 10 more years, but I have to confess I have had a Semogue 620 sitting in my cart at Vintage Scents for a few weeks. I am just about ready to pull the trigger.

I've only been using one brush, and I've had no trouble with it not drying. It is a pretty small knot, though, and it's pure badger. I shave every day.

Edit: I also must admit that I'm about ready to pull the trigger on a vintage brush to restore with a TGN knot (I will be inquiring of the experts as to what knot to use).
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There's nothing wrong with only one brush. I'm hard-pressed to think of the number of our fathers and grandfathers who had more than one. There was no B&B back in the day to fuel rampant SBAD. :001_smile
There was a guy who joined B&B a couple months ago who said:

He's only used one brush during the past 28 years

The brush was still functioning, but a little thin

He never cleaned/shampoo/borax bath 'ed his brush for 28 years. After he did, it was just a little better-- it really didn't make a big difference.

BTW, I think after he made his first post about using just one razor and one brush for 28 years he checked out B&B for a few days, and thereafter ordered several brushes, a few razors, fell in love with Lilac Vegetal, and became a player in the Williams wars. :lol:
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I use the same brush everyday. Used the same brush every day for a year before i upgraded.

I have my grandfathers old ever ready brush that he used for over 30 years and still works.
That's all very well. I subscribed to the one badger one boar idea, as sane reasonable and rational. But once you go past that one brush, the buggers breed somehow.


"Got Shoes?"
With one brush, dare I say it?



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I have only one brush. It's a Parker synthetic, so maybe it dries more completely? Functionally, I can't imagine another brush being better, but I have only the one, so maybe I'm missing something. Esthetically, though, I really like some of the other handles I see. Maybe some day.


I believe it's a nice luxury to have a little rotation of quality brushes. It gives you variation, depending on what kind of soap or cream you are lathering, and also how you are lathering (bowl or face). That said, most professional barbers I meet only use one brush. They keep it soaking in water all day long, and never let it dry, sterilizing it and changing the water after every shave.

Regarding how long a brush will last: My father in-law is an ex-barber and he told me his brushes would usually last about 5000-6000 shaves. Keep in mind these were Italian boar brushes that were left soaking all day long and were used for lathering sometimes a dozen times a day.

If I was only going have have one brush, I'd probably choose a high quality synthetic, probably an Omega.
Maybe you could send him one of yours! :lol:

Yeah, that's part of my assimilation plan.

We talked yesterday and I told him about the Merkur 1904 Classic, I had sitting around, getting no use.

It will soon be in the mail to him.

As part of the conversation, he mentioned that he wandered into a drug store and was thinking about picking up a puck of Williams.

Bwahahahahahah, he is truly and securely hooked !!:devil:
I used an EverReady 150 for over 30 years before it finally shed out most of its bristles.

More than one is very very nice I must say though.

I am glad to have a number in rotation, but I don't see any issues with having just one...shaving issues that is...mentally it could be real stressor.:lol:
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