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What GEM to start with?

I've been DE shaving for about 8 months now, and recently picked up a few GEMs in some Gillette lots. I picked up a pack of CVS blades and was wondering which GEM would be the best to try out SE shaving.

I have a short-handle 1912, a few Micromatic Clog-Prufs, and a Featherweight.


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I'd say start with your Clog-Pruf normally - but, since you say the 1912 is short handled start there. It is one of the milder ones, and many think the SE is best when gripped just below the head anyway. Just remember to go extra slow until you find your angle .. was cut to shreads when I assumed that a SE was just like a DE ..

You may not even think of the others if you start with a 1912

Well, I gave the 1912 a go today. Coming from DEs, the sound of this razor was startling at first, but I got used to it soon enough. I got a good shave, but with some minor irritation. I'm sure this is just due to my inexperience with SEs, and should get better with time. I got a little too much water in my lather today so I'm sure that didn't help.

I doubt I'll be SE shaving with any great regularity given that my preferred DE blades(Astra SP) can be had for roughly $.10 per, but I'll keep a couple of them around just to mix it up once in a while.
SE blades last a bit longer (for me) than my DE blades, so it kinda evens out the cost differential for me. plus the shave wuality is amazing.
My second SE after the Open comb Micromatic was the GEM Damaskeene. After that experience- quite frankly- I don´t have much desire for anything else. And hey- I am really mean that:)
I'll be giving the 1912 another go before I move on to any of my other SEs. With a good lather and taking my time, I'm pretty confident I can get a great shave out of it.
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