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What fragrances most tipify the 1980s in your mind?

in the 80's you could put a moose in a pink angora sweater and if I could smell Obsession...I'd be all over it like ugly on an ape
You mean it's not the 80s anymore!?! :eek: Guess it's time to throw away those Haysi Fantayzee records. :biggrin: I'm still wearing Obsession . . . it's one of very few colognes that don't react badly with my body chemistry.
Drakkar Noir. It was practically the smell of the 80s.

I was going to say Drakkar too.. I used it for a while. Another cologne I used was "Calvin" - which was retired and reborn (I think) as "Obsession" for Men.

I know a lot of guys wore Polo but I could never stand it. WAAYYY too sweet.

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