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What does/did your dad shave with?

As a kid growing up in the 50's, I remember an injector, an adjustable of some sort, and what I now know to be a flair tip super speed. Sadly, all of this was lost to passing time.
He's used M3s for a good few years, Sensor before that.
I was checking email and suchlike on his computer the other day & showed him a razor I'd just, ahem, acquired, and he was spectacularly unmoved - said that DEs were fiddly and liable to give you nasty cuts if you weren't careful, and he wasn't keen on them. Fair comment, really.
As a kid my father had one of those black handled adjustables . I even tried it when I was 18 or so and cut myself alot . He's been using disposables for the last 20 years until recently I was able to convert him back to a 64 flare tip . I have enough blades and soap for the both of us for years . Between all my yapping and it being free , he just couldn't pass up giving it another go .
Dad was military and shaved every day. Throughout my lifetime I remember DEs (I loved playing with the TTO), injectors of various types (played with the empty blade loaders), and finally carts of various flavors. I think his last razor was a Mach 3. I never, ever saw an electric in the house.
Fusion at the moment, Mach3 before that and Sensor when I was a kid. He was using Gillette goo but I gave him an Omega brush and a Proraso soap, a couple months ago. If you ask him what soap he's using, he'll answer 'Poracio'... At least it sound italian ^.^
My dad is a Mach 3 guy. He owns an electric, but uses it sparingly because it doesn't get close enough for him. Maybe once I've been at this DE thing a little longer I'll try to convert him :)
Dad is using a Mach 3 that I got him a few years ago. For all of my life (37 years), I remember him using the Atra Trac II. I don't recall if he moved to a Sensor for a few years, but I'm pretty sure he went straight to the M3 and I know that while he normally is of the mindset that "what he has works and therefore he doesn't need to go buy the latest and greatest new toy", he fell in love with the M3. Which only serves to further bewilder him as to why I would go back to using a DE. I think part of it ties in to the immigrant mindset. He came here from Yugoslavia, during the cold war, and worked ridiculously hard so that his family could have a better life. He never made a lot of money, but also never left us wanting for anything. The idea that he worked that hard and then he sees me going back to using the archaic (in his mind) way of shaving is no doubt a little perplexing. Fortunately, he does use traditional creams and while I'll never get him to have a rack of brushes and soaps, perhaps I can get him to try out some Razorock or Mama Bear so that we can at least share in that. I'm thinking I'm going to bring him my RR Caprican Lemon so that he can enjoy a nice cool summer shave.
My earliest recollections (early 50's) were of him wet shaving with what was most likely DE. He did use a shaving brush that eventually became a bathtub toy of mine (soap beards). I remember the handle being ivory/cream with a small green band. Any guess as to brand? Bristles were very soft and I have a vague memory of them being very light colored, possibly nylon, but definitely not badger. As I grew older, he moved on to electrics and never went back. He always advised me to use them rather than blades so I was never taught how to properly wet shave. I think part of his preference for electrics was to expedite his AM shave (always up very early: surgeon with early cases, patient rounding, etc.) and to not give his patients the idea he might not be able to handle a blade well if he arrived with a bunch of nicks on his face. I'm sure he could have shaved with any type of blade, though. He could use a knife to peel fruit in one continuous strip of perfectly uniform thickness with no wasted flesh. If it was an apple or a pear, all the pieces would be evenly sized and shaped then presented on a plate better than any chef. I'm sure that if he ever used a straight, he could have used it as masterfully as any Italian barber (he was after all the son of Italian immigrants).
When I was a teen and still living at home, I remember his Schick injector and Yardley lavender soap.

The remnants I got from my mother indicate a Schick Krona razor w. Krona-Chrome blades, Williams soap in the bicentennial commemorative mug,
and a Surrey boar brush (looks identical to a VDH boar except for the "Made in USA" label on the bottom). Those were what he last used before
being told by his doctor to stop wet shaving. After that there were two electrics, a Norelco and a Panasonic, that he rotated.
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My dad used a DE when the blades were easier to get in stores locally. After that he stayed with Atra and Trac II for many years. When I found this site and wanted to reduce my cost on expensive carts, we both were amazed that excellent quality DE blades were still being manufactured. Since then he has been using a Fat Handled Tech, and EJ DE 89L version 1.
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My Dad is 77 and still kicking. Sent him a link to one of those Gillette Super Speed commericals from the 50's. He says he used to shave with that. As I recall growing up in the 70's and 80's I seem to recall a Track II sitting on his sink. In the early 90's when I started to shave I turned him on to the Gillette Sensor (my first razor) and then gave him my Mach 3 when I was unsatisifed with it when it debuted in '98. He now shaves with an electric....remington I believe.
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