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What do you collect?

For a time (after I found B&B), I collected shaving brushes, DE razors and soap. I'm in the "getting rid of the ones I don't use" phase now, regarding those collections.

I went on a pocket knife collecting jag as well a few years ago, and I'll occasionally buy a new knife if it's one I think I'll use often. Otherwise, I've been selling down that collection, too.

The only long-term ADs I seem to maintain and can't shake are related to fountain pens, ink and, oddly enough, Cribbage boards. I do sell fountain pens occasionally, but I would say I buy as many or more than I sell. It's sort of a rotating collection. I find pens I like and will probably keep forever, and I simultaneously jettison pens I'm not using or don't like as much as I thought I would. I'd say my collecting goal is to have at least one fountain pen from each manufacturer that I like and respect. I have a max price per pen I'll allow myself to spend, though, so that eliminates what I consider to be crazy purchases.

As far as Cribbage boards go, I buy them infrequently; maybe one every few years. Cribbage is probably my favorite game to play, and there are a lot of interesting boards out there. I also like Euchre, Spades, Hearts, Gin, and Backgammon, but I play Cribbage most often and take it the most seriously. I have been given a couple Cribbage boards over the years, but I've bought most of the ones I own. My girlfriend and I even keep a board at our parents' houses, even though we only visit them once or twice a year.

So now that I've laid bare my soul, regarding unshakable ADs, what do you collect and if you have such, what's your collecting goal?

Fountain Pens and Inks,
Pipes, Tobaccos, and Cigars,
Metroid games (currently have every one except for Pinball),
Magic The Gathering cards,
Soon I'm going to be collecting Dart stuff and Leather work tools.
Lately i've been collecting bottle caps from craft beers that i drink. In hope that someday i'll have enough to make a table like this:


It's gonna take a long time.
I collect antique books as well as baseball cards. My card collection is three generations old and goes back to the 30's.
Soviet patriotic songs and singers, especially rare ones. I have one of the world's biggest private collections.
Classic opera singers solo disks, Soviet, East European and Western. I have more than 2000 albums.
Also used to collect promo ads of Western classic opera singers.
Guns and knives antique, military or civilian versions of military, hand guns...... don't ask how many lol. Cars if 6 is a collection. Of course on this site have to collect razors, straight and double edge.
When I was in Seattle I went to the Collections Cafe, lots of cool stuff in there, my table had pocket knifes in it, the one next to mine had these...
Soviet patriotic songs and singers, especially rare ones. I have one of the world's biggest private collections.
That is one thing I did not expect to read when I clicked this thread. Awesome.

Myself: at the moment I've been collecting vintage camping stuff. This is probably a bad idea because it is bigger than razors and I'm going to have to move long distance in a year or so. Oh well, they wouldn't call it an AD if it made sense.
Fountain pens for a while, but that seems to have passed. Still like it in principle though.
Every month or so, I add a new CD to my vinyl and CD music collection...
my music collection is so large that I accidentally purchase doubles from time to time!

Just when I thought I had every movie that I could ever want, I add a new DVD to my Movie collection...
I couldn't live without Reanimator!

When I started getting into Polynesian Cocktail Mixology, I "needed" a ceramic Tiki Mug collection.

... and 4 surfboards is enough! I swear! Ahem, well, I would like a 9' Velsey Pig!
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My wife says I collect dust :sad:


My collections -

1) My razor collection (3 1912 SE's that I plan on trimming down to the best 1-2, a Type C open comb Injector, and 5 Gillette New variations - US long comb, US short comb, English 7 O' Clock, English New long comb, and Goodwill). My soaps & creams are more which ones work for me.

2) Several boxes worth of fantasy/sci-fi novels and short story collections that I try to keep at a reasonable amount

3) some old Dungeons & Dragons stuff that I refuse to part with, even if it's been boxed for over a decade

That's about it. I am at a point in life where I want to simplify as much as possible within what I enjoy, so aside from the above I don't think that I will be collecting much else. Unless something interesting comes along . . . :001_cool:
Too much!

But , most of what I collect I use IE; blacksmithing , leather working, cooking, and various other trades tools, and a lot more .
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