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What do people think of DoubleY's lathering on YT?

I have been watching Double Y's videos for a few months now on YT. I was wondering what the lather experts think of his lather. What would you rate his lather and why? Scale can be 1 to 10 or Poor to Great...Perfect.
Watching now - not heard of him before. I'm a happy guy on the inside but I wish I could look as happy on the outside as he does :letterk1: That toothy grin is charming.

I'm no lather expert but my method is very similar. I dunk the brush in a mug of hot water a few times to wet the bristles but shake out nearly all of the water -- load from the puck and paint the thick paste on my face. I also wipe the puck with a finger and put that on my face just like he does. But then I start adding water to the tips of the brush as I face lather so my lather is wetter than his.

That's about the same amount of lather I use and a jar of soap lasts me a long time. I don't get why so many YouTubers put lather on an inch thick. I've already spent time getting my whiskers soaked with water before I lather - so I'm not depending on the lather alone to wet my whiskers.
Lol! Yeah, this guy clearly loves his job. He is like that in every video. So happy.

I have been looking for YTrs for lathering methods and I came across this guy awhile ago. I mostly found him because I was really looking for YTrs that actually have facial hair and not patches or thin growth. Surprisingly there aren't a lot of YTrs with a heavy growth and it's difficult for me to take shaving advice from them.

Like you said a lot of them also just paste it on, even GeoFatBoy, appears a genuinely great guy - don't want to knock him, puts on a pastey lather. It's thin, but still pastey. This guy seems to use more water, at least more than most.

I am like you though and use even more water than this guy, but I started to copy his method a bit after watching the others guys and getting my face scraped up, his method has helped me quite a bit. So I was curious how he matched up with experts.
When I first started here, I read so many elaborate methods of lathering and watched all kinds of YouTube videos and my lather kept getting worse and worse. Sterling Soap has a good video where he adds a little water and says "you can shave with that, but we can do better" and adds more water and says "you can shave with that but I'm gonna add more water" and so on - I think that really helped me get going in the right direction. At some point I realized that I only need the brush wet enough to soften the surface of the puck just enough to get some soap onto the bristles and then I can add water little by little after I have the soap on my face.

My house was built in the 1800's and the plumbing is a nightmare - I'd have to run about 10 gallons before it starts coming out hot. Shaving with cold water works OK but I like warm water for lathering and warm water in the sink for rinsing the razor so I use an electric kettle and fill my sink with that and fill a coffee cup so I have clean (non-rinse) water for dipping the brush tip to bring more water to my face.

Everyone has their own little quirky method that works --- I've gotten really comfortable with mine and it's so very similar to that YouTube guy you linked.
I have been watching Double Y's videos for a few months now on YT. I was wondering what the lather experts think of his lather. What would you rate his lather and why? Scale can be 1 to 10 or Poor to Great...Perfect.

He uses more water than I do,
but otherwise
that is completely the correct way to lather with shaving cream.
I shake out more water and load much more soap from the puck, but otherwise somewhat similar.

I do more like this guy -
He doesn't really lather for that long, right? That was just for educational purposes. He has a nice lather. I think he is similar to the guy I showed, but maybe a little less water.
When I first started here, I read so many elaborate methods of lathering and watched all kinds of YouTube videos and my lather kept getting worse and worse. Sterling Soap has a good video where he adds a little water and says "you can shave with that, but we can do better" and adds more water and says "you can shave with that but I'm gonna add more water" and so on - I think that really helped me get going in the right direction. At some point I realized that I only need the brush wet enough to soften the surface of the puck just enough to get some soap onto the bristles and then I can add water little by little after I have the soap on my face.

My house was built in the 1800's and the plumbing is a nightmare - I'd have to run about 10 gallons before it starts coming out hot. Shaving with cold water works OK but I like warm water for lathering and warm water in the sink for rinsing the razor so I use an electric kettle and fill my sink with that and fill a coffee cup so I have clean (non-rinse) water for dipping the brush tip to bring more water to my face.

Everyone has their own little quirky method that works --- I've gotten really comfortable with mine and it's so very similar to that YouTube guy you linked.

Yeah, I also watched that video and he also inspired me to use more water. I think the combo of him and this guy has helped.

I got to say if I had to do that just to shave, I would just grow out a ZZ Top beard. That is dedication.
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