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What do I have here?

SWMBO's mom handed this to me the other day when I was over there. She told me it was her father's she's in her early seventies. I can not find anything that looks like it. It is almost like the handle and head don't go together. Any input would be appreciated.
You LUCKY Dude!! You have one super Mother-in-law!!

That's a ball-end Gillette New Type - looks to be in great shape.

That will be one of the nicest shaves you ever had, sir!!
Thanks for the input, The first DE I used was a ball end tech gold plated just like this one, The thing I wasn't sure about was the comb, is that what is considered open comp?


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Thanks for the input, The first DE I used was a ball end tech gold plated just like this one, The thing I wasn't sure about was the comb, is that what is considered open comp?

Yes, and all the teeth are straight, which is excellent!


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Appreciate the complements I'm pretty excited to give it a try.

One good thing with the open comb, if you see 'teeth marks' in the lather, your angle is off.
I find the best shave with the head flatter to the face than a Tech. If you feel the comb teeth, you have too much angle!

Take your time, "feel" the razor, and hang on to your hat!! You (and SWMBO) will absolutely love the results!


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Is my angle going to be any different than the Tech or SS's that I have been using?

You will have to play with it but you would use this razor like any other razor. I find the angle to be similar, not enough difference to say change something.
What a fine gift to get right before the holidays. Don't even think of selling, despite what some of the vultures will offer - it's a family heirloom, and selling it at holiday time would probably reap piles of bad karma.

Shave and enjoy that great-looking razor!
No I was actually over there putting a blind up for her and we started talking about all the stuff she has and I told her about the collection of razors I am accumulating, terrible case of AD, she asked if I would keep it and use it, I said absolutely.
Have 2 of these, but gave one to my son. They are wonderful razors. They all seem to have a crack in the handle, but still a great razor.
Man...indeed :thumbup:

The portuguese quotation didn't apply to your Mother-in-Law

There is only one Mother-in-law but they seem more...:lol:
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