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What Are the Top Quality Razors?

Hey everyone,

I've been on the lookout for a high-quality razor that can give me a smooth, close shave without any hassle. I know there are tons of options out there, from safety razors to straight razors and even some fancy cartridge ones.

What razors have you all tried and loved? I'm particularly interested in those that offer great durability and comfort. Any specific brands or models that you'd recommend? Bonus points if you have tips on where to get them at a good price!

I have been through this- https://www.badgerandblade.com/forum/threads/alteryx-tutorial-blade-quality-by-country-of-origin.654116/ and it's good as I think.

Looking forward to hearing your suggestions and experiences!

Thiers Issard-check with The Superior Shave; like anything else hand crafted might be a blemish somewhere.
Koraat-Amazing quality. Not cheap
Ralf Aust-see Thiers Issard above
Wacker-great razor with no surprises. Gotta love horn scales though. It's all they have.
***Brian Brown/Brown Razor Works-a Holy Grail indeed. Mr. Brown no longer makes razors. if you can find one in the wind, snag it.
The answer depends on what kind of razor you are looking for.
One answer (that I happen to not agree with) suggests Thiers Issard, which makes straight razors, as does Koraat.

Most of the members here are DE shavers and among DE razors I have not found anything better designed and crafted than Tatara.

That is, despite their name, a European based manufacturer.
I fully expect some to suggest US made razors, because that may be closer to their home and reflects their local availability, preferences and experiences.

Straight razors are largely dominated by European manufacturers.
Some of the great names (among those I count Thiers Issard and Dovo) used to make great razors, but are now merely a shadow of their former self.
For new straight razors, Böker, Aust, Koraat (too unwieldy for my taste), and Wacker are solid names, but don’t overlook pre-owned razors, like J.A. Henckels Friodurs and José Monserrat Pou Filarmonicas that come from a time when straight shaving was more commonplace and the manufacture of straights razors was at its prime.

If you are looking for a straight razor with replaceable blades, where you don’t have to hone and strop, Feather AC Artist Club DX, SS models, but most of all their SR model spring to mind.

Hope that helps…

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Welcome to B & B! I suggest reading numerous threads here on razors & start identifying what characteristics appeal to you - beginners razor to learn on, mild or aggressive (also known as efficient), little or lots of blade feel, etc. Once you have that decided, looking on B & B’s BST is a wonderful way to get a good razor at a good price. After using it, you can always sell it later on the BST as you look for razors that give you the shave you’re looking for. Good luck, & enjoy the journey!
Welcome to the forum. There is enough info and opinions to make your head spin off. However, one must realize going in that personal preference can make many contrasting views equally valid since what works for one person may not work as well for another. The razor, the blade, the soap, the technique and the type of hair one has are all variables that can take a long time to work out - but that is all part of the journey. I went through about 4-5 razors (a dozen different blades and numerous soap/samples) over the last 2 1/2 years. I worked out the razor, the blades, and am currently narrowing down my favorite soaps.

That said, my recommendation is the razor I currently use, and will likely be my razor for life, the Rockwell 6. I bought the 6C last summer - C stands for Chrome. I liked it so much that I sold it and replaced it with the 6S - S for Stainless Steel, and the stand, during a big black friday sale.

Why am I recommended a Rockwell 6? 1) if you buy direct from their website you can return it free within 60 days. So little to no risk. 2) lifetime warranty 3) it is a essentially 6 razors since it includes flippable plates to adjust the efficiency depending on your current level of beard growth. Plates 3 and 4 are my most used. So it is a semi-adjustable with no moving parts. 4) it is very well received and offers a smooth shave. Many youtube videos on this razor and the comment section highlights mostly positive user experience. Worth a look. Aside from occasional sales, it should not be hard to find a discount code

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I shaved a fortune
Welcome to the B&B community.

I would read through the new posts for a while. I’d also suggest checking out the Journals and Diaries forum. You’ll be able to learn from those who have recorded their own journey and glean information that might save you a lot of time and money.
I've probably owned 30+ DE razors and the 2 that I keep coming back to are the PAA Meta-4 and the EJ 3one6 (knurled handle version) both totally awesome shaves never any issues they do a great job.
Depends on where you live, some of the higher quality machined razors don't have local retailers or have standard shipping outside of select countries. This can make finalising the costs after exchange rates and shipping etc. a nightmare. Razorock seems to be very widely available around the world...the gamechanger .76 or .84 would be my recommendations.
The best way to cut anything safely is to have a sharp blade. Feather blades are sharpest blades in DE. So buy the best razor to fit the best blade.
This will make the perfect razor. As it turns out the perfect razor is also high wality and durable.
It's also made by Feather who makes the sharpest blade to perfectly utilize the sharpest blade in the safest way. That's the point of a safety razor imho.
The handle is so grippy.
Get the stand.
Feather ASD2


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For durability and hassle-free convenience I put three piece DE safety razors in brass, bronze, or stainless steel at the top of the list. I find both solid bar and open comb razors comfortable, but solid bar is the more common choice.

Straight razors are not free of hassle. I know, I run a combination orphanage/day spa/inpatient rehab for SRs.

If a safety razor is never dropped, then twist-to-open and adjustable razors (and vintage injectors) will outlast their owners. But no razor with moving parts (or plastic, zamac, or aluminum parts) is as durable as a screwed together bronze or stainless razor.

Some comfortable 3 pc razors:

vintage and very affordable (USA)
Gillette New Short Comb
Gillette New Long Comb
Gillette Tech (many models, cheap ons are still in production overseas and as a knockoff)

RazoRock Gamechangers and Lupo, head choices abundant

top drawer and very comfortable
Lambda Athena

Not a fan:
Jagger, Rockwell, not even in stainless. But these razors are respected by many.
Welcome to the forum. There is enough info and opinions to make your head spin off. However, one must realize going in that personal preference can make many contrasting views equally valid since what works for one person may not work as well for another. The razor, the blade, the soap, the technique and the type of hair one has are all variables that can take a long time to work out - but that is all part of the journey. I went through about 4-5 razors (a dozen different blades and numerous soap/samples) over the last 2 1/2 years. I worked out the razor, the blades, and am currently narrowing down my favorite soaps.

That said, my recommendation is the razor I currently use, and will likely be my razor for life, the Rockwell 6. I bought the 6C last summer - C stands for Chrome. I liked it so much that I sold it and replaced it with the 6S - S for Stainless Steel, and the stand, during a big black friday sale.

Why am I recommended a Rockwell 6? 1) if you buy direct from their website you can return it free within 60 days. So little to no risk. 2) lifetime warranty 3) it is a essentially 6 razors since it includes flippable plates to adjust the efficiency depending on your current level of beard growth. Plates 3 and 4 are my most used. So it is a semi-adjustable with no moving parts. 4) it is very well received and offers a smooth shave. Many youtube videos on this razor and the comment section highlights mostly positive user experience. Worth a look. Aside from occasional sales, it should not be hard to find a discount code

This is good advice. I would suggest purchasing vintage to start - the Gillette Superpeeds were engineered for the masses and solidly built. They are also a rather low-cost intro into traditional shaving.

I also have a Rockwell 6S and really like it. It's as close to a desert island razor for me as any other in my collection.
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