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What a deal...

I went to an antique store today.The man at the counter said "can I help you"I told him I was looking for safety razors.He said he had three in his truck outside,he hadn't brought them in yet.I looked around while he went out to get them.He brought in a near mint fatboy and two Presidents,one in the case.The only way to tell they aren't mint is a little dried soap scum.I'll post pictures tomorrow.
Sounds like you stumbled upon a nice little find. Congrats. I hope my antique outing later this week will be as sucsesfull.

I went to an antique store today.The man at the counter said "can I help you"I told him I was looking for safety razors.He said he had three in his truck outside,he hadn't brought them in yet.I looked around while he went out to get them.He brought in a near mint fatboy and two Presidents,one in the case.The only way to tell they aren't mint is a little dried soap scum.I'll post pictures tomorrow.

I thought your Red Dot deal was cool....now you're just showing off...LOL

Congrats buddydog....yes, must see pics.
I got these at the same place as the red dot....

Where was it you live again? :wink2: BTW, you forgot to tell us the price (while I recall the Red Dot wasn't given away, It was a bargain IIRC).

So let me guess... $100 for the three? $125?
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