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Wet shaving in Egypt (long, but I need help!)

So, I'm currently living in Cairo, and this is presenting a few low-grade challenges to my shaving pleasure. I didn't see a thread specifically addressing any of these, so I've just lumped them all together, in hopes that another forum member will have some idea where I should start.


The only DE razor I have ever used is my trusty little Vincent butterfly, a cheapie that I picked up for $19.99 at my erstwhile barber shop. Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done.

I have no access to the usual cleaners recommended for DE razors (Scrubbing Bubbles, CLR, etc.) here. On the advice of the same barber who sold me the Vincent, I've been using white vinegar to clean off the razor when rust from the blades starts to accumulate. Because I'm a lazy SOB, my method has been to pour a few ounces of vinegar into a glass, put the razor head-first into the vinegar bath, and let it sit overnight. In the morning, I scrub it clean with a Q-tip and rinse it off with water.

I noticed this morning that there was an oddly large amount of rust and some white film or plaque on the underside of the razor, even though I could swear that I swabbed that off with everything else. I just cleaned the razor a few days ago, and when I noticed the rust and film, I had only used that particular blade one time. I worry that perhaps I should be making some kind of solution with the vinegar (maybe with salt?), rather than using it straight. Is the pure vinegar bath actually damaging the plating of the razor, or was I just careless in how thoroughly I swabbed down the thing? How should I go about cleaning my razor when I have to concoct a cleaning solution myself?


The only blades I have found for sale here are Lord (not a surprise, given tariffs on imported products). On the plus side, they are super-cheap: I picked up two packs of 10 for a total charge of about $0.90. On the downside, I find that they wear dull relatively fast for DE blades. My habit has traditionally been to shave every other day — like I said, I'm a lazy SOB. But my two days' worth of stubble seems to grind down the blades really quickly: as in, I find that a blade edge is shot after three such shaves. I'm used to getting four or five comfortable shaves per edge. In other people's experience, is Lord really so much less durable than other blades, or am I cultivating a bad habit by not shaving every day?

I must admit, for the last few days, I've tried shaving every day to avoid the problem, and it's certainly a more comfortable shave, and the blade doesn't feel like it's being scraped over a sidewalk. Hmmm. Would a high-quality shaving soap ameliorate the problem, or is it more a matter of shaving daily to keep down excessive stubble?


All right, check this out: I can buy packs of Lord DE blades in any corner grocery store around here. Like I said above, they're exceptionally inexpensive, which leads me to believe that this is what most Egyptian men shave themselves with. I have yet to lay eyes on an actual DE razor, though! I ran a dragnet through my entire neighborhood, every store, from cheapie corner store to the fanciest bourgeois-expat heaven, and NO ONE carries them. I asked a grocer who stocks the blades but not the razors where I was supposed to buy one, and he just said "A cutler." A little more snooping around, and the best advice I could get was to go over to one of the poorer neighborhoods and look around for someone, anyone, selling DE razors. (At the moment in Egypt, rich people simply do not seem to use DEs; the lust for all things hip and modern leads them to Mach Fusions and whatnot.)

I had hoped to stock up on a few back-up razors at good prices here, and it's something of a disappointment to find that doing that may require devoting an entire day to stumbling around a big expanse of territory, calling in at every last shop that sells anything resembling hardware or cutlery. (I do have a day job, after all!) I mean, sooner or later I'll be curious enough to do it on some weekend, but it's rather a lot of effort, since I have a working razor already.

Can anyone offer a personal testimonial for a shop anywhere in Cairo (or, what the heck, Alexandria) that sells DE razors? I'm not aware of any specialty shaving-goods stores anywhere, but I wonder if there isn't some shop that caters to the ambassadorial crowd in one of the neighborhoods stuffed with embassies. Wealthy Egyptians don't seem interested in DEs, but maybe expatriates still support a tiny market for them.

Gentlemen, start your advisory engines!
To clean the razor, boil it in water with a little bit of vinegar for ten minutes. That should get a lot of gunk off that razor.

Three shaves per blade is not bad, especially since each shave is two days growth. In fact, most guys get three shaves per blade. Just use the blades and stop worrying!

I cannot advise you on where to get razors, but you do have one that works :wink:

I hope that helps. Best of luck!


My elbows leak
Staff member
If there is a 4 or 5 star hotel near you, go in and ask the Concierge to arrange it for you.
(you may need to tip generously if you are not a guest of the Hotel)
This worked wonders for me in India as opposed to wandering through the miles of back alley shops in Calcutta where the stuff I wanted was.
mretzloff said:
To clean the razor, boil it in water with a little bit of vinegar for ten minutes. That should get a lot of gunk off that razor.

Ah, sounds good. I'll give that a try soon.

He also said:
Just use the blades and stop worrying!

Clearly, you don't know me very well, to tell me to stop worrying. :biggrin1: I'll give it a shot, though.

luvmysuper said:
If there is a 4 or 5 star hotel near you, go in and ask the Concierge to arrange it for you.
(you may need to tip generously if you are not a guest of the Hotel)

You know, I thought of something like that, but knowing how things go here with such intermediaries and the sliding scale of tips to offer, it would end up nullifying the sense of victory in acquiring a good razor for little money. At that rate, I could just order some fancy German razors and have 'em shipped straight to my home in the States to wait for me. Besides, I feel some obligation to do the legwork myself: I already have the language skills and the walking shoes!

...Maybe a part of me also secretly hopes for a good shaggy-dog story to tell on B&B about how I tracked down the finest DE razor in Egypt.


My elbows leak
Staff member
How about a compromise, and ask the Concierge for a good starting place for you to go look?
I just might try that! And, now that I think of it, I'm going to download a bunch of images of DE razors to show — I'm starting to wonder if people who never shave with anything but cartridges actually understand the difference between "double-edged" and "twin-bladed."

We'll see if I've worked out the correct idiom for "double-edged safety razor" soon....
You only 'need' to clean/sterilize used razors that you procure. If it's your razor already, a bit of hot water and a wipe with a towel every so often is really all you need.

For the blades, good beard prep is the most important thing that you can control. If you really work hard at softening the hairs ahead of time the blades should last a little longer - although 2 or 3 shaves per blade certainly isn't unusual.
I would just order one off of the Bay or one of the sales sites recommended here. Most DE equipment comes from India, Russia, China or Egypt. I know Lord sells a three-piece DE razor but finding it may be a problem in a wealthier area of Egypt, as you have already found. Heck, here in the States I can't even buy DE BLADES half of the time (the average income in my area is north of $100K per annum -- maybe if I go thirty miles south to a poor area this stuff may be stocked)!
I would not do an overnight vinegar bath. Vinegar is a mild but effective acid, it maybe causing your blades to rust and reduce the numbers of shaves your getting. It may also be damaging the razor. Rinsing, wipe down, and if you have it, a dunk in isopropyl alcohol will sterilze. Hope it helps.

Well, I tried going to a very fancy hotel in the neighborhood with the largest number of foreign embassies (including Germany -- for shame, Merkur!) and consulting a concierge. The result was a half-hour of false hope followed by inevitable disappointment. She called up a pharmacy near the hotel, confirmed that they had "an old-fashioned razor with two blades on it" made by Gillette, and offered to have them send it over to the hotel for me. Of course, I'm not a guest at the hotel, and I didn't trust the pharmacy for a moment, so I said that I would prefer to examine the razor myself before they went to the trouble. The concierge gave me the address, and I hot-footed it over to the pharmacy and found....a twin-bladed cartridge razor. Once I showed him the photos of DE razors, he shook his head sadly.

So now I am 100% convinced that cultural expectations are getting in the way. It's inconceivable to Egyptians that an American would ever want to shave with anything besides a tarted-up piece of plastic with a clutch of blades on it, since that's what they themselves use the moment they save up the money. Amazingly, DE razors have no 'vintage' prestige or association with high quality; they're just another outmoded tool being abandoned entirely to people too poor to afford anything more modern. (The Gillette cartridge razors here are priced comparably to the ones in the US, which makes them hella expensive for Egyptians.) Since there appears never to have been a well-established Arabic idiom for "double-edged safety razor," there's no way to name the thing that doesn't make them believe that I want a twin-bladed cartridge. Since the rage is currently the Mach Fusion, a cartridge with only two blades on it actually sounds vaguely 'old-fashioned' to them. Go crazy!

(Adjusts fedora, tightens trench coat and lights an unfiltered cigarette.)

But I picked up a lead. A barber near the pharmacy. Gave me a hint where I should be looking around.

(Coughs violently on the cigarette, not being a smoker, and stubs it out.)

The barber suggested that I shouldn't just be running around the working-class neighborhoods like a chicken with its head cut off. I need to look for the shops that sell supplies to barber shops! Every barber shop around here is glad to shave a man's face as well as cut his hair, and from what I gather by snooping around this guy's tools of the trade, some customers request a straight razor, some of them a plastic cartridge razor, and some of them a DE razor. Cutlers and hardware stores may be worth a look, but I need to target the wholesalers who supply barbers around town. And, in my experience, wholesale stores of every kind are always located in the working-class districts.

Nothing left to do but head over to one of those districts and see what I can smoke out.

Stay tuned for another installment of "The Maltese Razor"!
I just might try that! And, now that I think of it, I'm going to download a bunch of images of DE razors to show — I'm starting to wonder if people who never shave with anything but cartridges actually understand the difference between "double-edged" and "twin-bladed."

We'll see if I've worked out the correct idiom for "double-edged safety razor" soon....

Instead of trying to explain the difference in words, print or trace out a silhouette of a DE blade and show it to them. It should be instantly recognizable. Just say, "I'm looking for a razor that uses THIS kind of blade."

Ultimately, I think your best bet will be shopping via the internet. There are a number of good vendors that will ship internationally, and if you place a large enough order, the cost of shipping will not be outrageous. Then, all you have to do is wait, and wait, and wait for the package to arrive.
Instead of trying to explain the difference in words, print or trace out a silhouette of a DE blade and show it to them. It should be instantly recognizable. Just say, "I'm looking for a razor that uses THIS kind of blade."

Ultimately, I think your best bet will be shopping via the internet. There are a number of good vendors that will ship internationally, and if you place a large enough order, the cost of shipping will not be outrageous. Then, all you have to do is wait, and wait, and wait for the package to arrive.

And, in the case of Egypt, try to countenance paying the ransom that the thoroughly corrupt customs officials demand. You CANNOT receive internationally posted packages here without paying a bribe to customs. I just can't swallow enough bile to accept that.

Don't worry, though. I have an inkjet printer, and now I have really clear images of the kind of razor that I want!
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And, in the case of Egypt, try to countenance paying the ransom that the thoroughly corrupt customs officials demand. You CANNOT receive internationally posted packages here without paying a bribe to customs. I just can't swallow enough bile to accept that.

Don't worry, though. I have an inkjet printer, and now I have really clear images of the kind of razor that I want!

Welcome to B&B.
I read all comments and I would just say this is too bad for your adventure. I thanked for that we have not that level of corruption about our customs. If it was, I would be suffered too much. Therefore I hope you will find your razor and your mission will be accomplished.
I was recently in Egypt and the constant demand for Bakshish or a TIP for everything wore thin quickly-it seemed that everything was on a sliding scale-foreigner, foreigner who speaks Arabic (my daughter) , Arab, Egytian- and from there for everyone all that meant was how much you had to pay extra, bribe, pay off etc to get anything done. Even so called security at the airport and other places was easily circumvented by being with someone high enough up on the local food chain. Often tips were demanded by multiple people for the same service, or by strangers claiming to have done something (like make up you room, after you left a tip in the room). I know it is a poor country and this is a long practiced cultural habit but that doesn't make it more efficient or tolerable to an American.
Since I do like Lord blades as well as their new LP1822 razor a lot I would guess Egypt would be at least halfway the shaving heaven.

Anyway, have you contacted Lord for how to get a razor? Last time I asked were to get one I got three (of the previous model) for free in the mail! So it is not they don't have any customer service!
Anyway, have you contacted Lord for how to get a razor? Last time I asked were to get one I got three (of the previous model) for free in the mail! So it is not they don't have any customer service!


Talibeard, if this works, I could kiss your hairy face! I'm not used to getting any kind of shopping done online here; it didn't even cross my mind. Free loss-leaders would be fine by me! Tell me, since I'm having trouble seeing it up close: is the LP1822 a TTO? I have no experience with any other mechanism for blade replacement, although I'm willing to consider anything you rate so highly.

Tell me, since I'm having trouble seeing it up close: is the LP1822 a TTO? I have no experience with any other mechanism for blade replacement, although I'm willing to consider anything you rate so highly.

No it is a 3-piece. But a formidable one; it is the razor in my rotation that gets most of the action while there are several Gillettes, Merkurs and Mühles to play with.

And believe me; when you changed blades in a 2- or 3-piece for two or three times you'll know it is not an issue at all! My DE experience started with a TTO but a 3-piece is my favoured design.
My thighs are suffering from all the leg work I did today, but I did it: I walked I-don't-know-how-many miles through the heart of Cairo searching for DE razors. I started out in a relatively low-key and un-fancy part of downtown, and found nothing. Everyone I consulted in the neighborhood, once they were clear on what I wanted, said (almost verbatim), "Oh, dude, you can't find that here. You've gotta go to Ataba." Ataba Square is a big market area, with lots of cheap and used goods for sale.

So I went to Ataba, and asked around. Everyone I consulted in Ataba said , "Oh, dude, you can't find that here. You've gotta go to Muski." Muski is a very cheap market drag, much of it on unpaved roads in the poor and old-fashioned neighborhoods out past Ataba in what we foreigners call Islamic Cairo. It's where a lot of Cairenes get their shopping done, because things are just about as cheap as they can get.

So off I went to Muski, dodging donkey carts and motorcycles and everything else barreling down the one-lane dirt roads. Got lost a bunch of times. Whenever I found a shop selling razors, I'd ask, and none of them had it. A few of them suggested, though, that the little tiny stores selling pens, paper and other stationery materials were my best bet. After the sun had set, my back was beginning to ache, and I no longer had any idea where the hell I was, I happened by one such shop. And the shopkeeper said "Sure," and promptly sold me a Lord DE razor for the princely sum of five Egyptian pounds.

I was so excited that I was almost skipping down the dirt road, I kid you not.

A lesser (or saner) man would have called it a night at that point and started looking for a taxi home, but I didn't. I had been at this for three and a half hours, so I could have gone home contented. But I didn't. It takes a special kind of obsessive lunacy to press on at that point, on the rationale that I now had a physical example of what I wanted. Fortunately, I'm an obsessive lunatic.

I tried a few other places, showing them my new razor and asking if they had other models along the same lines. I actually found lots of DE razors, but most of them were junk-quality and so lightweight that I'd have to use more pressure than advisable. Eventually, I found one guy who didn't have them, but knew the part of the market area where I could find the wholesale dealers. He told me – I know you'll think I'm kidding, but I'm not – "Oh, dude, you can't find that here. You've gotta go to Sinadqiyya." This, apparently, is the name of the section of the huge Muski market area where razor wholesalers work.

Once I found my way to Sinadqiyya, I found dozens of DE razors and hundreds of blades for sale — not all of them high quality, mind you, but there were lots. But most of the wholesalers wouldn't sell me a razor. They only wanted to sell them, naturally, at wholesale, which meant buying a six-razor sheet of the things that drugstores and corner markets (theoretically) would retail. It took four different shops before I was directed to a wholesaler who would also sell individual razors to people. He had a different style of Lord than the one I'd already bought, so I picked that one up too, for three pounds. For the heck of it, since I usually only see Lord Super Stainless blades for sale around town, I also bought a 10-pack of Super Max Super Stainless Blue blades to try out. Cost: two pounds.

Total cost of this outing (aside from modest travel expenses and my aching, swollen legs and back):
10 Egyptian pounds, which comes to US$1.73 by today's exchange rates.
Sense of foolhardy accomplishment: priceless

Here's what my effort got me:

Clearly, more could be done, but I've got the number for Lord's customer service, so I'll see if there's some way to get my hands on the best of their stock.

Meanwhile, I'm going to pour a drink and maybe soak my feet.
Great story! I think you'll like the Lord Smart razor. I have one and use it often, it gives a very nice but gentle shave. One of my favorites.
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