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Westcoast Shaving Walkin Freebies!

I decided to head over to WCS in Chino Hills because it's my weekend off and if there's one thing I need, it's more shaving stuff:001_tt2:
After picking out my items I went to the check out counter and Kevin pull out a box that was written on the front "free for walk-in customers"
Luckily I had some self control for once in my life and only took a Dr Harris Almond in a beech bowl and left everything else to the next lucky few that happen into the shop. After talking with Kevin and John for a bit (great way to get the scoop on new ventures) I drove home and am now posting this for the forum for all to see! Go get your freebies guys!
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You could have grabbed the Tabac and then sent it to me :biggrin1: That's awesome though. If I'm ever out that way I definitely need to stop by there.
Hmmm, if I flew out to LA and rented a car, drove to WCS and got some freebies, that would all even out, right?
im sure they are gone by now..not sure if its worth the hour drive for me..considering high gas prices here..but..thanx for sharing
They don't get many walk in clients. BTW this was around an hour ago I was there and they had one guy coming in later today. I could almost guarantee that you'll get a puck if you go in today.
I live about an hour away and have been meaning to go. When I've called about orders they've always asked if I wanted to come in or make an appointment to do so. The freebies would be great but it's great to see the hardware and software first hand.
Oh man.... And I was thinking about stopping by there yesterday, and was just down in the area an hour ago.
I generally don't even think about them on Saturday because they are appt only and the building itself is locked up when they aren't there.

Oh well... The mailman should be bringing the stuff I ordered Thursday anyways, can't think of anything else that I need right now.
I went to Santa Barbara over the winter. I wound up having to fly into LAX. Since I ran out of feather blades I thought I could drive to WCS before going to SB.
I just couldn't take the time to do it but I really wanted to stop at their store in person.
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