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were green

It just hit me how environmental de se and cut throats. Its all recyclable.No plastic in the land fill.Take that you tree huggers.
Well, I'm sure they'd find something to complain about. Personally, I'm not overly concerned if my shaving is "environmentally friendly" or not but if it's a by-product, then I'm fine with it. My priority is to get the best shave possible. If it's more eco-friendly, then it's a point in its favour.
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It just hit me how environmental de se and cut throats. Its all recyclable.No plastic in the land fill.Take that you tree huggers.

I agree with you but am confused by your statement of "Take that..."
Are you assuming that tree-huggers would object to your using a straight or a DE?
Something I thought about while driving. A friend of mine who way is into the environmental movement mocks my razor. It was directed at her. sorry stream of consciousness typing. But she taught me how to make soap. w/ no animal product of course. I' after the shave first and fo most. should not mix politics and shaving. Just a point the next time she laughs at my stuff.
+1. It should be disposed as medical waste, unless you never cut yourself.

Ridiculous. You can throw them in the recycling. I stick my used blades in an empty glass spice bottle. When it gets to the recycling center, the bottle gets crushed, the blades get picked up by a magnet, and they come back in some other steel product we buy... like a soup can or a blade safe. If you're peevish about a glass container, throw 'em in an old soup can or buy a one-dollar steel blade safe the next time you stock up on blades. (aaah, the "circle of life") The key to disposal is not getting anyone cut by them until they make their way to the magnet.
-- Chet
Just a point the next time she laughs at my stuff.

That explains it. I was wondering what you were afraid of.

"Hello Tree Hugger." "Hello Anachronistic Shaving Equipment Guy." Maybe your friend would be more accepting of your choices if you were more accepting of hers. I mean, you're friends, right? You don't have to agree with her.

Ridiculous. You can throw them in the recycling. I stick my used blades in an empty glass spice bottle. When it gets to the recycling center, the bottle gets crushed, the blades get picked up by a magnet, and they come back in some other steel product we buy... like a soup can or a blade safe. If you're peevish about a glass container, throw 'em in an old soup can or buy a one-dollar steel blade safe the next time you stock up on blades. (aaah, the "circle of life") The key to disposal is not getting anyone cut by them until they make their way to the magnet.
-- Chet

Well then, cartridge razors are then just as "green" they can recycle the plastic, and the metal will get magneted out for seperate recycling too.

So, DE's are really no better than cartridge razors in that regard.
Plastic is considerably less recyclable than metal.

Actually, it's mixed materials that are the most problematic. Nearly all plastics and metals are recyclable, but complex parts with multiple types of plastic and metal components are so costly to separate and process that they are nearly never recycled. My guess is that the relatively tiny head of a Mach 3 is made of multiple types of plastics, and of course, stainless steel (not to mention the plastic holder it comes in). There's no comparison between this and DE blades (which are all one material) with respect to relative ease of recycling.

I use a bourbon bottle as my blade bank... the blade has to bend to pass through the mouth of the bottle making it a safe one-way trip. I probably have a long time until I have to consider dropping it off at the recycling center, but I fully intend to do so someday.
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