I have been working my way into using straights more often, and I bought a coticule, but I couldn't get a great edge. I got an edge I could shave with, but I couldn't get as close as I wanted. Then, I couldn't find my coticule, so I ordered these Welsh slate stones: http://www.ebay.com/itm/170777761737?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 and I sharpened up my razor last night, and the shave was great!
I had quite a bit of irritation initially, but after about a minute, my face cooled down, and an alum block following barely had any sting. No weepers though, no nicks. I only missed the ATG pass on the back of my jaw, almost under my ear.
Here I am, about 14 hours later, and I am just losing the BBS feel.
I didn't use any slurry on the stones, but I moved the blade in a circular path, instead of the "X" pattern. I went about 200 circles on each side on the 8k stone, then 100 circles on both the 12k and the 15k. I didn't strop afterwards. Maybe stropping, or using some slurry would make it smoother and not irritate my skin, but this technique worked well for me.
I had quite a bit of irritation initially, but after about a minute, my face cooled down, and an alum block following barely had any sting. No weepers though, no nicks. I only missed the ATG pass on the back of my jaw, almost under my ear.
Here I am, about 14 hours later, and I am just losing the BBS feel.
I didn't use any slurry on the stones, but I moved the blade in a circular path, instead of the "X" pattern. I went about 200 circles on each side on the 8k stone, then 100 circles on both the 12k and the 15k. I didn't strop afterwards. Maybe stropping, or using some slurry would make it smoother and not irritate my skin, but this technique worked well for me.