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Weird Nib dream


Fridays are Fishtastic!
I had a weird dream last night, maybe influenced by my reading LOTR. I had finally acquired a Parker 51. I visited Brian at his office. He had a picture of King Kamehameha on his desk. When I commented on it he said he was a descendant. He asked to see my new pen, and when I pulled it out of my pocket his eyes glazed over he said "give me my precious". I then took my leave, and he pursued me all over NYC. I am unsure how the story ended as I woke up.
It's a good thing you woke up. It does NOT end well.

What's with all the Nib dreams lately. Must be something in our ink.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
It's a good thing you woke up. It does NOT end well.

What's with all the Nib dreams lately. Must be something in our ink.
I am getting caught up from a few days off- will have to look for the other dreams.

LOL... Are you dabbing the nib tips on your tongue?

Parker 51, a classic.
nah, out of town and left the pens at home
I didn't know Hawaiians said "youse"....:lol: Crazy dream, Owen. Ink licking and Squadron Leader do not mix, it seems!
I was smoking aged SL- maybe that is it.
I had a weird dream last night, maybe influenced by my reading LOTR. I had finally acquired a Parker 51. I visited Brian at his office. He had a picture of King Kamehameha on his desk. When I commented on it he said he was a descendant. He asked to see my new pen, and when I pulled it out of my pocket his eyes glazed over he said "give me my precious". I then took my leave, and he pursued me all over NYC. I am unsure how the story ended as I woke up.

Perhaps, the dream is reflecting something you're feeling. What kinds of things you were thinking about the most around the time of the dream?

Here's a snippet from a dream dictionary.

"To dream of a pen represents situations that are permanent, final choices, or beliefs that you don't want to change. You may have made your mind up, or aren't open to negotiating. [Credit - Dreambible.com]

If somebody in your dream covets your pen perhaps it's a reflection of someone in your waking life that is jealous of a choice you've made or want whatever you've decided for themselves.
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If somebody in your dream covets your pen perhaps it's a reflection of someone in your waking life that is jealous of a choice you've made or want whatever you've decided for themselves.

Owen, I'll admit it. I'm jealous of all the pens you've decided to buy. I want them for myself. :lol:


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Perhaps, the dream is reflecting something you're feeling. What kinds of things you were thinking about the most around the time of the dream?

Here's a snippet from a dream dictionary.

"To dream of a pen represents situations that are permanent, final choices, or beliefs that you don't want to change. You may have made your mind up, or aren't open to negotiating. [Credit - Dreambible.com]

If somebody in your dream covets your pen perhaps it's a reflection of someone in your waking life that is jealous of a choice you've made or want whatever you've decided for themselves.
Nah, I just need to get off my duff and finally get a 51
Owen, I'll admit it. I'm jealous of all the pens you've decided to buy. I want them for myself. :lol:
i knew it was you :biggrin:
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